Mixed breeds


I really like the Mille Fleur...hmmm...a mille fleur silkie, what a concept.
Here's a pic of brother and sister from a Partridge Chantecler x Ameraucana EE. All of the hens are setters. Not great layers but lay large green eggs. Set 3-4 times per year. Very Hardy and protective mothers.

i have a barred rock roo and rir hens and buff orph hens and sex link hens and ameracauna hens and i just had a buff orph hen hatch 8 babies. i will try to post pics later. i love any chicken and i would not mind what other people say as long as u like them dont worry bout it.
a true chicken lover will not mind!!!!
Let the girls/boys out for the first time in the snow. They weren't big fans of the snow. I will be glad when this mess melts...it's very hard to do my daily business in knee high snow. But I think they were glad they got to get out for awhile.

I have two golden laced polish roos for sale-I would consider giving them away for free if I knew they were going to a good home. They are great roos all the way around...just have to many.
I have hatching eggs ready to go. $5.00 a dozen. I will ship. I have mix breeds of red production / Oliver eggers too..pet quality. Look in my profile in my galleries to see my flock.

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