Mixed Flock (Just Starting Out)


7 Years
Jan 22, 2013
I have a few very general questions on mixed flocks - these are the types of chickens I wanted to get (first time to try this adventure) and I wanted to get a variety of breeds because I like the colors -- (i) will all of these chickens 'live together'? Orphington, Plymouth Rock, Wyandotte, and Australorp, and (ii) if I have a mixed bred flock and I want a rooster, which breed do I get? I know these are probably very weird questions, but like I said, this is my first attempt at raising backyard chickens and I just wanted to know. Thank you.
Not weird questions. We have Rocks, Orps, Australorps, Sex Links, and guineas! Sure they can live together. As long as they have elbow room! Important that they have enough space!

Ours free range on about 6 acres. Come in only to sleep and lay.

As for your roo, what breeds were mixed, firstly? Then, what traits do you want to dominate? Once you know this, you'll know what kind of roo to get.

Good cluck!!
P.s. Our sex links (which technically means cross breed) are bred for their laying ability. We want meat and eggs. And our girls are laying MACHINES!!!




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