Mixing 1 day olds with 2 week olds


On A Clucking Adventure
Premium Feather Member
Feb 1, 2023
Scranton, PA
Because some of the chicks I ordered from a 5/20 hatch arrived DOA, the hatchery is shipping me replacements on 6/3.

There will be 2 from the 5/20 hatch and 4 from the 6/3 hatch.

Can I still raise all the chicks in the same brooder?
Sorry about that experience. I think if you have a large brooder and considering there more younger chicks than older, it will probably be just fine. You could place a little divider screen in the brooder at first just so it's not a shock, then remove it. A chick version of Integration. 1've done them 1 week apart with no problems at all. 2 weeks, I'd just do the separation and keep an eye on things.
It might be okay, depending on the size. If the older ones are alarmingly larger, I wouldn't recommend trying it. There is always a risk for trampling and bullying, as well as the fact that the younger ones might not get enough to eat. I've mixed younger and older, and usually it was fine, but they were all basically the same size. If you do try it, divide the brooder, or just make a separate one.
The two survivors are ironically the two smallest chicks of the bunch. A salmon favorelle and a cream legbar.

The brooder is about 3.5 ft x 2 ft. The two survivors currently rattle around in it like little ping pong balls.

Edit to add: I’m using a heat plate so I don’t think I can easily divide the brooder with out buying a second one.

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