Mixing A&M and jumbo browns


13 Years
Dec 15, 2007
Maybe a stupid question idk. Can the A&Ms and jumbo browns live together? Also will they breed together? What happeneds if they do breed?
Your off spring will be Brown. The Jumbo Brown are dominant over Texas A&M. I have white wing pharoah. A pharoah is a normal size jumbo. But you have to have a Dominant white to paint a pharoah. I have a pair of white wing pharoah that are marked like English whites Robbie at JMF told me to make sure not to mix em up with other whites! Because they will makr brown babies.
Maybe a stupid question idk. Can the A&Ms and jumbo browns live together? Also will they breed together? What happeneds if they do breed?
Now I have a stupid question.... Why would you want to do that? From what I understand, and somebody please jump in and correct me if I am wrong, but doing so will not create a larger or better bird; it will just "dilute" the characteristics of the selective breeding that others before us have already performed. Like Underground Chickenman said, the second generation offspring will have a variety, so then you are back to the drawing board for selecting breeders for any generation beyond that.
I'm new to quail. I wanted to try the jumbo brown and the A&M and see which one taste better. I didn't know if they would kill each other being in the same cage and If I did pen them together would they bred together? It was just kind of a curiosity. Another question. After a few generations, should I order more eggs and get fresh blood in the batch? Cause after awhile of inbreeding they will start to get smaller right?
Mike, Yes, I intend to do the same thing. Also, I will be selecting my breeders from the biggest Texas A&Ms that I have, to ensure that I only get the biggest the breed has to offer. My smaller hens will be used for eggs and small roos will be culled and consumed.

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