Mixing It Up


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 16, 2013
I've currently a fairly large shed and run for my Chinese Painted Quails. However, I was thinking about adding a different type of quail to my collection, maybe Coturnix, etc.

Can I keep them all together? Any risks to this?
I don't recommend mixing button quail with any other species of quail. The buttons are so small that the larger quail will normally bully them.
You have that backwards. Button quail are very aggressive. I raised them for years and they will attack anything repeatedly. Even chickens and ducks were assaulted. Group quail based on breed temperament. Bobwhites are calm and I believe so are gambles and California quail.
There is no doubt that button quail can be very aggressive. But mixing them with bigger quail is much like mixing an aggressive chihuahua with a pit bull. The chihuahua might cause some damage to the pit, but the pit could easily kill the chihuahua.
Basically, No. But cots are great, if you wanted to get some I'd recommend it, just not in the same cage as the buttons tehe

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