MJ's little flock

Have any of the hens ever shown injury afterwards?
Nope never. Mostly they just get up and climb up the ladder to the roost and no evidence of any problem.
The one time Maggie stayed down and I happened to still be awake so I rushed out fearing the worst but she was just asleep in the leaves. She showed no sign of injury afterwards either.
I sort of assumed that it just happens sometimes and as long as they don't fall too far or onto a hard rock they are just fine.
My roosts are very high. More recently I have built more nest boxes under the tallest part of the roost - but that wasn't there when they fell - so they fell about 5'. There was litter underneath though so I am sure it was quite a cushioned fall.
Several of mine have too. And for no apparent reason either. Just plop down to the floor.

Edited to add: From looking at it happen on camera it didn't look like they tripped - I thought it was more like falling out of bed in the middle of a dream. I have had my fair share of hens being encouraged to jump off but haven't seen anyone lose their footing. I believe Maggie has fallen off twice, Minnie fell off once, and either Diana or Elizabeth once too (I don't remember which one of them it was). Always the same just plop.
I've seen Phyllis step on her own foot while turning around and trip herself right off the roost. I think she is only half awake when she does it.
Nope never. Mostly they just get up and climb up the ladder to the roost and no evidence of any problem.
The one time Maggie stayed down and I happened to still be awake so I rushed out fearing the worst but she was just asleep in the leaves. She showed no sign of injury afterwards either.
I sort of assumed that it just happens sometimes and as long as they don't fall too far or onto a hard rock they are just fine.
My roosts are very high. More recently I have built more nest boxes under the tallest part of the roost - but that wasn't there when they fell - so they fell about 5'. There was litter underneath though so I am sure it was quite a cushioned fall.
I so grateful you and Bob use cameras and can share these insights.

I may get cameras too one day.
@RoyalChick I found a possible cat basket. It's made by a basket maker in Scotland. I've reached out to see if they deliver to Australia.

In Blossom's case, I think the extra space will be reassuring.

I've seen Phyllis step on her own foot while turning around and trip herself right off the roost. I think she is only half awake when she does it.
I wouldn't be surprised if that's how Mary managed it too. She's none too elegant when turning sharply.

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