MJ's little flock

@Shadrach may I ask your opinion?

The pullets sleep in the little coop and the hens in the henhouse. Every day I see fewer pecking order negotiations and more closeness.

Here's my question. In the mornings, I let the hens out first. Then they stand by the little coop looking in as I open up. No pecking, just watching and looking into the little coop. This has happened three days in a row.

Do you think they're checking the pullets got through the night ok? Or maybe asserting themselves?
@Shadrach may I ask your opinion?

The pullets sleep in the little coop and the hens in the henhouse. Every day I see fewer pecking order negotiations and more closeness.

Here's my question. In the mornings, I let the hens out first. Then they stand by the little coop looking in as I open up. No pecking, just watching and looking into the little coop. This has happened three days in a row.

Do you think they're checking the pullets got through the night ok? Or maybe asserting themselves?
I don't really know MJ. I wouldn't have thought they were trying to assert themselves; not a lot of point at this stage.
I doubt they are checking on the chicks either. The chicks won't really feature until everyone is together.
Most likely I think is the hens are following you. Do you feed the chicks in the morning while the hens are outside?

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