MJ's little flock

I caught a group shot. You can see how stressed Mary is by Peggy's proximity.

Peggy jumped on her several times already this morning.

Nasty old Peggy. I'm sure Mary was thinking everything was so nice without her.
They all were. It was very peaceful week.

If Peggy survives I'm hoping she'll no longer feel her pains and will become a little less of a monster.
Peggy's intestines and heart have been pushed out of place inside her torso. By a mass. Mark won't know exactly what the mass is until he sees it. It could be a tumour, it could be an infected uterus. He can't assess her chances without opening her up.

So she's home for the weekend and is delighted!! She's already ripped out a beakful of Mary's feathers and had flappy chest bumps with Janet. Ivy is mildly traumatised.

I'm taking her back for her op on Monday. If Mark finds her case is hopeless, they'll put her to sleep then and there.

The xrays were fascinating. He showed me an xray of healthy intestines and the difference was astounding.

I mentioned Ivy. She's on the turn for another broody stretch. She went into a short trance today and did a broody poop. Now she's tukking and puffing herself up.

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Anyway, sorry for dumping all that info.
I'm not entirely sure what that lot have in them. They've hatched some odd ones.:D Old English Game for sure but it looks like there may have been some Polish genes in there somewhere.
They were here when I got here. They're a pretty tough bunch. Blue Spot, responsible for most you see there, made it to 11 or 12. We think she was two years old when she arrived.
Yeah, I could see the Old English game, but with his upright bearing Serama popped into my mind first thing!

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