MJ's little flock

@LozzyR here's a Caturday photo for you

@LozzyR here's a Caturday photo for you

View attachment 2427705🐱

There was a Caturday moment this morning but for the rest of the day it’s been far too hot. 🥵 The poor chooks have been panting for most of the day! I started building them a bunker and got as far as a big hole and a wall. Then I got a headache and had to stop. I’ve hosed the garden down a couple of times and they’ve had nearly quarter of a watermelon. They’re just not drinking! Even when the water has ice in it!
And in case anyone is curious, turning the hose on the chickens themselves definitely does not work.
I pointed the hose up and sprayed the leaves of their favorite bush and the branches of the bay tree above it. Of course the hens were elsewhere in the garden at the time..... well at least I got a bit cooler. :idunno

Oooh, don't forget the chilled watermelon!
Was it you Lozzy who made a kind of bunker out of hay bales last year?

Yes, that was me. Not sure if it got used that way though. Hubby’s given me a different idea this year; I’ve tented two fence panels together over the hole I dug and tomorrow I’ll go and get some hessian. I’ll drape it over and then drape the weeper soaker hose over that. The hessian stays damp and it gets cooler underneath. It’s a version of the Coolgardy safe hubby used in Scouts to keep food cool.

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