MJ's little flock

And also a question for you @Ribh what in the world is that cutie in your profile pic
That is my Belgian D'Uccle Frizzle! 🤣 She's something of a complete nut job, thinks I'm her own particular person & personal roosting space. We are having issues. She's taken to grooming me & a beak down my lug hole is not on! 🙄
That is my Belgian D'Uccle Frizzle! 🤣 She's something of a complete nut job, thinks I'm her own particular person & personal roosting space. We are having issues. She's taken to grooming me & a beak down my lug hole is not on! 🙄
She's whispering a tiny invitation to please hold still so she can get a good night's sleep.
@Ribh That is indeed one pretty girl I'm pretty sure she is a porcelain duccle porcelains are my favorite does she have vulture hocks (i think that's what they are called) I had one like her a little bit ago I called her my little seagull just as she was getting friendly a hawk came and got her and also her comb is gonna get bigger but yes i will they are still small little things i just got them a few weeks ago
Thank you. I couldn't think what else she might be but the breeder does a lot of Xs. That's where my profile pic bird came from. She had a glorious polish frizzleX I was very taken with but sadly he was a cockerel & I'm not allowed roosters. And yes to vulture hocks. ;)
I go to Callahan's in Austin texas and every time i stop by i just have to have something a very feathery something its like I'm a spoiled rich person that buys chickens like they are clothes
I'm quite slow about chooks. So far, every two years, I get two pullets. It's working out quite well. Some day I'll do a hatch, but this year it's pullet time again!

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