MJ's little flock

This morning one of her shout outs got me hustling out of bed because I knew she was up off the nest and I wanted to unlock The little coop so she could stretch her legs properly and have a bath.

She was eating some last night's leftover mash which I'd left in there with her in case she felt a little peckish. So she's eaten. That's good.

She came down the ramp ok but then I stuffed up by putting her friends in the run with her. Of course Peggy was excessively aggressive towards Mary.

So I let Mary out to free range. This is what she did.

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She got up after a while a moved over a few metres so she could sit in the sand. No photo of that interlude.

Now she's moved again and is sitting by the green planters.

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When she moves her legs are extremely stiff. That's not ok. Her joints are clearly not up to the stress of brooding.

So I'm going to put her up on the roost tonight. Poor old girl. I can't have her slowly limping around. Peggy would have a field day.

For now, I'll put some food and water down near her and if she goes into a trance again, I'll place her back on the nest where she can sit for the rest of the day.
Did she dust bathe?
She's moving with greater freedom now. A moment ago she was beside me and I got a good posture photo.

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Almost her normal posture.
She looks wonderful. I will say this. While the nest may not be optimal, it is suitable. Sydney hatched from just such a nest and so have many other chickens. She chose that place because she feels the most safe there.
I don’t want to hijack MJ’s thread either, but I just had to comment that your post hit home with me, because I have had the same situation. The depression, the anxiety, the weight gain, the overwhelming affect of the COVID crisis on my emotional state. I am having difficulty getting a grip on myself. It does seem to be getting better, but then I backslide a lot. I keep looking forward to better times.
Well, now I owe some chicken tax.🐓
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Many of us are fighting just those things. It is good to hear that others are as well. :hugs :hugs

Beautiful tribe you have there. 🥰
My Agatha and Tina are clever little souls. The white in the wattles and combs are going, so they are eating the right things for their immunity system.

A big one for me is they are staying on the covered outdoor perch, the other girls never grasped that. It's been raining from 7am this morning and I didn't want them too get wet, so I stood them on this covered perch for them to feel the outdoors without getting soaking wet.

Agatha got off too peck around and I put her back up and they are still there now :D



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