MJ's little flock

It was kind of sweet. Yesterday Hattie came out with everybody else. And this morning, this happened.

I love how they all push out as the door's opening! So chickeny.

It's good to see Hattie coming out with the others and good to see Aurora checking on her.
Actually she was moving pretty good this morning. She has been worse. I am certain the warmer weather is really helping her.

I am thinking I need to modify the top of the ramp into a landing one step down That then leads to the ramp. That first step onto the ramp is difficult for young chickens as well.
Oh wow! I think that's my first shra on this thread šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I'm sure summer will assist Hattie.
Yes. It was only that first step. She was fine after that.
Of course you could always build her an elevator!
Call for the engineer! I'm sure Hattie can learn to peck a button to call the elevator and a weight-activated sensor can make it move.
I'd love to see a video of Mary walking so I could compare. Hattie definitely is having more trouble walking than Lilly did at the same age. Aurora is only ~6 months younger and is much better at walking.
Here's the video Bob. She's more comfy in her body than Hattie but she doesn't move quickly, even when she's on an urgent mission to reach the water container like she is here.


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