MMs free rare exotic chick!

here are my silver spangled hamburgs that i got from cackle last year




i ended up with 3 roos and 2 hens and only kept the best hen this is Izzy.

so it looks like it to me.
Just wanted to address the chick survival issues too. I ordered 42 chicks of various large breeds, ended up with 45 including the spare "exotic" chick. Unfortunately, I never received the email saying they were shipped. I checked my order status yesterday, and sure enough, they were already at mail sorting center down in Denver. Thankfully my little post office gave me their office managers number on Thursday. If I hadn't checked they would have sat their all weekend, not being delivered until Monday. I went down to pick them up at 6 last night (surprised they let me in) and are all still alive as of this morning. Could certainly see how chicks that get caught in an over the weekend shipment at a processing facility could end up dying. Also, they added some green grow gel to the shipping box.
I ordered 23 females,a Brown Leghorn roo, and a Black Minorca roo, they sent me an extra Brown Leghorn roo and a Golden Laced Polish as my exotic. They packed on Friday sent out on Saturday and I got the call at 6:30am on Sunday from the post office. All my chick's are doing great and it's been two weeks today since I picked them up I have had no casualties. Those with problems with birds arriving doa might have the post office to blame. I live in Arizona you can't get much farther away and mine arrived in perfect condition. You should be able to pick them up on Sunday's.
i ordered 25 blue laced wyandottes, and the rare exotic one is a dominecker, i'm pretty sure. i'm also pretty sure he's a he. i'm sad to report that i'm down to only 12 blue laced wyandottes and the dominecker. i want to order more wyandottes to replenish what i've lost (to snakes and dogs), but don't want to get so many.
I ordered 20 Cochin pullets( 5 white,5 black,5 buff, 5 partridge) and 5 dark Brahma pullets. They are all alive and healthy. They gave me a extra black Cochin pullet and the free rare chick is a buff Cochin roo. They have almost all their feathers now and are beautiful!
I have nothing but good comment about mm every year my chicks arive perfectly health but I live like 3hrs away. I've gotten light brahma, lavenvelder, polish crest, pheonix and I'm not sure what I got this year but I ordered 30 chicks and got 46 haha I don't know why. I called them and they said its just alittle thankyou to our commited customer. I order 200 throughout the year so I aprriciate it.
Just received my order of 32 assorted layers this morning. They were shipped out yesterday, and the PO called me early this morning. All are alive and well. I have ordered from MM since 2006, and have never had one die in transit; all small orders. I did not get any extras, but my free rare is an EE (not listed under rare breeds, and was hoping for something different since I ordered 3 EE pullets anyway!).
I ordered 25 Buff Orpington pullets and received them on a Thursday. They gave me one extra pullet and my exotic is an Araucana, all were alive and healthy and I live here in Florida, so I thought that was really good, I was kind of expecting to have one or two DOA. That was 2 weeks ago, and have only lost one and thats because I believe they got too cold one night and she got smothered :( I am really hoping I have all pullets, I guess well find out in the next 3-4 weeks.

Also, my mother-in law (who also lives here in FL) ordered 25 White Leghorn pullets and received them this morning, she too was given one extra pullet and we don't know what her exotic is, but it is a beautiful little chick. All are healthy and vibrant.

I have to say I am impressed with Mcmurray.

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