Mobile coop


Aug 11, 2020
Hi all! I’m moving and taking my flock of 5 with me and thinking about my next coop and set-up. My issue is that I have to move somewhere temporarily before I make it to my final destination. It could be a few months or up to a year in the temporary spot. So I’ve been thinking about buying a trailer to build my next coop on but now I’m wondering about other options like building it on castors and renting a trailer when I need to move it or building it in a way that it can be disassembled and reassembled easily. Maybe there is something I haven’t thought of. I’d love to hear from some folks who have some experience in this area.
Thanks for your time!
Where are you? Where are you moving to?

If you're headed somewhere that does hurricane evacuations, a trailer coop may be a great idea. (there are a few really good examples in the coop pages).

If you moving from one state to another, be sure you review the laws for your destination state and any state you intend to travel through.

If you changing regions, then coop needs can vary by region (as do ideal chicken breeds), so you may be better off with @cavemanrich 's #4 option.
Are you moving across state lines? There can be legal issues with transporting chickens from state to state so be sure you check that.

It's possible to make a small coop portable. See the metal "handles" on this one? We can slide a 2x4 through them and then it can be carried by 4 people to load on a trailer.

Have you considered option #4,,,,?????
Give your flock to someone else,, and when ready,, get them back and have in your permanent location,,,,, or get new hens :old :idunno

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:highfive:
That’s not an option for me. I love my chickens more than my husband and I really do love my husband. One of the big reasons for our move is so the chickens can have more space to free range. Watching my ladies scratch and peck and cluck brings me so much joy. What’s the point to life without chickens?
Are you moving across state lines? There can be legal issues with transporting chickens from state to state so be sure you check that.

It's possible to make a small coop portable. See the metal "handles" on this one? We can slide a 2x4 through them and then it can be carried by 4 people to load on a trailer.

I like this coop!

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