Modding commercial coops - part 2--ChickenWARE Heavy-Duty Chick-N-Hutch now a tractor


8 Years
Apr 24, 2011
Nolanville TX
So I started out with this item. As you can see by the reviews, it is not a good product as is.

I have had this for 2 years out in the central TX weather. when I got it I painted it and mad a run for it along with putting it on wheels. I decided after 2 years it needed a tune up and some modifications. The roof had blown off in a wind storm and had been held in place with a cinder block since. Some of the plywood -despite my painting-had begun to peel apart. It is another one that is a frameless cage on a base. I started by caulking and tightening any seam, and repairing the top. I added a piano seat hinge for the top and a tin panel to further protect the roof. I then cut a hole in the back to add in a nest box section.

I also added another roost. this is used for bantams, so they have plenty of room.

I use aluminum flashing to make a roof for the nest box-it is not angled but the flashing goes up the side of the hutch and is caulked. this keeps the water out.
I added 1" hex wire above the 1/2" mesh that i was forced to add after a coon pulled 2 hens out of the 2x4 wire. the 1" hex prevents the **** tree rats from stealing food. Everything got a touch up on paint. It currently holds 7 D'uccles, but has room for 10.

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