Moderators gone wild

I've been gone for a coupla hours....

And no foot massage yet!
theOEGBman would like to be pootblossom.

We also need a whiney hiney and a butt floss. Any volunteers??
There is no reason for this post other than to hit post number 300.
Then I am going to bed and hope tomorrow is either back to normal or my request to be "a princess" has been granted.
I think that maybe you are mistaken. This is a very informational, helpful chicken forum. You just happened upon us on April Fools! Rarely ever is there this much chaos and random posting. In fact, random posting is rather frowned upon. Today is just a special occasion, see?
So go fix your panties.

I don't wear any. And I'm not mistaken-I'm joking. So maybe YOUR panties are too tight.

Wuh-oh, we got one going commando in here!

Well that sure fixes the panties in a wad dilemma, now doesn't it?
I wasn't blaming the toad.
I know where blame sits. You don''t get to be a spankin hacker without having some skills LOL;)

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