Modern game bantams...

I just adopted one! I work for a rescue organization for cats and dogs and someone brought in a little chick. She is actually my first chicken, we were planning on gettign some but not until next year, but this poor little thing had pasty but so bad it touched the ground when it tried to stand. I adopted it right away and told the guy I would do my best for this little one and I am hoping it makes it through. It is standing for the first time in several hours. We do not know yet if it is a male or female. Can you tell me more about why people go with this breed? Is it for their personalities? Do they do well with other types of chickens? We were planning on getting polish chickens and americaunas and I do not want them beating up on my little bantam.
I fell for them because of their personalities and looks. The little hens especially are sweet and talkative.

As with all bantam chickens, they don't know they are small. They will face down any size chicken in a fight. Mine get along fine with the bigger girls.

Are you sure the chick is a Modern? Got a pic?
just wanted to share our excitement. We just got our first quad of moderns from down east bantams ( Jeff Sumner). he has excellent birds and thanks to him, we have some now!!!!!!!

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