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That dont like to fly, if no wind. Lazy if they need to use their wing, they will roost in
dead trees are even on the ground, dont like trees with leaves.

Guess mean someone is going to die, as we all are sometime.
More than likely you are right. We have our own vultures down here, but when the weather gets cold up north, we get many more! I think they are cool. I really wouldn't worry to much about them.
We had one cruise over our yard the other day, 3 more were down in the road. I mistook the one flying for a chicken hawk.

Turns out, there was a dead deer in the ditch down the road. They were feasting.
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Why did you show me the picture!!!Now im gonna die,ok for my last meal I think Ill have to eat the tub of icecream in the fridge.muahahaha
Oh no ... you mean all of us that LOOKED at the picture are dying too .....??????????
Birds sitting in a tree, hanging out, taking a rest.
Where in the world did you get the idea they were an omen?
They are opportunists, looking for a free meal.
I saw a squirrel today, he was hanging around on my fence.
I have been freaked out all day, anyone know what is going to happen?
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