Molting already?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 6, 2014
Southern Michigan
I live in Michigan. Going into last winter, I only had three hens that were about eight months old. Two of them kind of did a mini molt in December (just some neck feathers). This year I have five girls and they're all about a year and a half now. It appears two of them (the BR's) are starting to molt. I'm seeing feathers everywhere...even tail feathers. My RIR's don't seem to be starting yet but the past few days I've only been getting two eggs. So, my question is...Is this early for molting? And...these two that are dropping so many feathers seem to be dropping them from everywhere, not starting at the neck. Is this normal? I appreciate any input as I'm still pretty new to this. Thanks.
It's not too early to molt at all. Actually if it were me I'd be glad they are molting now instead of in the dead of winter...brrrrrr!!
Here's a page that might give you answers to some of your questions:
Nope, its not too early to molt. My birds usually start molting around September.

Different birds start their molt at different places (or many places at once!). Some of my chickens start with their heads, while others first lose their tail feathers. And others lose feathers all over their body!
What triggers the molt is that the days are getting shorter. The days started getting shorter in June at the summer solstice. Some chickens are more sensitive to that than others.

Chickens tend to molt in a specific pattern but you have fast molters and slow molters. What makes them slow or fast is not how fast the feathers grow back but how fast they fall out. Sounds like you may have a couple of fast ones.
Once I went down and it looked like a pillow fight had occurred. The floor was white with feathers. However, they grew back within weeks, and were back to laying.
I would rather have fast molters than slow molters, but you really don't get to choose.

Mrs K
Thank you so much for the link! I've been looking for something like this about molting for the past 30 timely you are! I've been to the Chicken Chick's site before but not for quite a while, might have to go see what else I can dig up over there. I noticed she has a recipe for "Molt Muffins" that sounds interesting.
Well, I just looked at the molt muffin recipe and figure it would probably be cheaper for me to buy the big treat block (can't remember the name) at the feed store than make the muffins. I would have to buy everything that goes into them except the coconut oil, eggs and whole wheat flour. Oh, and water...I do have that, lol. Oh well, good to check these things out.

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