Molting chicken's feathers plucked

Thanks for the suggestion! A few questions.

So she is in that all day and then out on the roost at night? How do you handle food and water during the day?

What about in the mornings when they are all up before I can get back out there to catch her and put her back in?
Also she does not like being caught so that may make for stressful mornings

Appreciate any additional thoughts.
Thanks for the suggestion! A few questions.

So she is in that all day and then out on the roost at night? How do you handle food and water during the day?

What about in the mornings when they are all up before I can get back out there to catch her and put her back in?
Also she does not like being caught so that may make for stressful mornings

Appreciate any additional thoughts.
My pullet is in there all day for now. I put a small branch in there for sitting on - it's just on the bottom not attached to anything. I also have shavings in there.
I bought these coop cups from tsc last spring I believe. They come in real handy.
If you can't find them, look for hamster or guinea pig feeders - same idea. I attach two - one for food and one for water on the inside of the door.
So, I've been making myself go out before the auto door opens and they are still on the roost. Not fun, but it's working. As then, I can get her from the roost and not have to catch her. I also have to check her wound and treat it. I have a building I take her to and put her in a plastic tub and cover the top with hardware cloth. But, it's just so she can't escape as the building is very tall and if she tried to get as high as possible, I would never get her down. :) After I treat her, I set her in the tub and cover it and then go get everything done - chores and cleaning her crate plus getting the food and water in there.
My pullet is new to the flock and I missed that she had a wound when I got her. I think the previous owner's dog had gotten a hold of her. So now I'm dealing with making her better so that she can fully integrate.
I would section off the area of the run with the crate inside it, but it is a lot more work and since it is just the one, it is working for me. I also have another pullet and she is basically integrating by herself. I wanted to make it so that she could still see the other pullet.
Anyway, molting takes awhile so, if you can section off the area and have the dog crate set up inside thst section, they will use it to get out of the rain. When I first got the two pullets (before I realized the one was injured) I had tied the door open with a bungee - otherwise the door will close. But, since I don't want the one running around, so that she can heal, the door is closed for now.
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I bought these coop cups from tsc last spring I believe.
I love those cups..I got mine at the pet store in the bird department.
I use nipple waterers mess with crating birds.
Thank you for everyone’s details and thoughts!

I ended up keeping her crated in the garage for two weeks.
She gained some weight back (lost when she was being broody)
New feathers started coming in so I put an apron on (chicken armor)
We had a 50° day yesterday so I put her out with the girls to free range and just kept an eye on them. They chase her some but she seems to be doing ok.
I made sure to let them out into the larger fence first thing this morning so she had space to avoid the mean ones.

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