Molting or Bullied?


Apr 12, 2020
East Central Illinois
Hello, I let the girls out today and noticed Egger's head feathers are gone. No bleeding, no witnessed bullying. They do peck at each other when settling in to roost but that is minimal. No others have this. She is eating and drinking normal. She did stop laying weeks ago along with the other EE. Thank you!


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Hello, I let the girls out today and noticed Egger's head feathers are gone. No bleeding, no witnessed bullying. They do peck at each other when settling in to roost but that is minimal. No others have this. She is eating and drinking normal. She did stop laying weeks ago along with the other EE. Thank you!
Do you have roosters?
We have roosters, and when the rooster has a favorite hen, they typically lose head feathers and molting, chooks dont molt all their feathers at once, has she molted before?
I hope I was able to help some, is she docile or sickly?

Yes, my mind was more at ease when you didn't mention anything horrible off the start😂 thank you!

She is molting. You can see all those new pins growing in. Pullets can molt at 8 months, about half my 8-9 months pullets are molting.

Thank you! I was just assuming they wouldn't molt this year but when I didn't see any signs of bullying I started questioning if she could be. I'm glad you pointed out the new pins coming in. I noticed them but wasn't 100% sure that is what was happening.

Those muffs! She is precious!

Yes! And so sweet. She is lowest in the flock but has learned to jump on my lap for the good treats. I am super protective and most adoring of her💗

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