molting or depressed duck--with a happy ending

I am having a hard time figuring a hatch date. The only close-by eggs that I found were mixes of Khaki Campbell x Pekin and Muscovy Pekin. Seems like the Muscovy has a much longer time than the pekins & campbells. I gave her five eggs on June 9th. I am guessing mid-July.
She stays with them most the day but every morning right outside the coop I put a large tub of water, big enough for her to get inside & large bowl of feed. She runs out, quacks at all the chicken, eats & drinks, then takes a splash bath and goes back to her eggs. I notice when she comes out she covers her eggs with straw & feathers. I guess she is doing what she should. I am new to ducks & was not planning on ducklings yet but she needed something after her loss.
Any & All advice is appreciated
I really have no idea what I'm doing.
I got this tidbit of advice from the broody chicken thread... She knows more about being a duck than you ever will. Let her do her thing and you just sit back, watch, and learn something.

Good luck.
Have you had time to check out some of the threads about hatching? Then you would be a little more familiar with how it works and what to watch out for.
I have started looking recently. I am so happy to have BYC as a resource. I don't know how many mistakes this site has saved me from since I started with chickens. Now it will help me learn ducks too.
Update on my duck:

She is happily sitting on her adopted eggs.

Now that I've looked at the eggs I wonder if anyone knows about the different shades of egg colors.
I bought these on craigslist . . . the boy who had the ducks had a pekin male, pekin female, khaki campbell female and muscovy male.
So does anyone know if different breeds of ducks lay different shades of egg-shells? If so what do you think I have?
Just wondering. . . . . . three are cream and two more white. . . .


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