Momma hen is trying to get my neck broke.


Crossing the Road
5 Years
May 24, 2019
Eastern Kentucky
Like clockwork after a week of back laying momma began sneaking off to lay. I finally spotted her yesterday while letting the marans have some playtime and couldn't believe it. The little cave on the hill where the girls were dust bathing a few weeks ago she's decided is the perfect place to nest. We waited until she came off and went back for foraging in the yard and my mom made her way up there to see and sure enough, 5 eggs. We are going to wait until she's done and started setting for a full 24 hours before we go move her and the eggs which should be fun. I would break her but i've been down this road before with her. Even without a rooster and no fertile eggs when she decides she wants to be a momma there is no breaking her. Get her broke and within a week or two she starts right back up. I think she could put a silkie to shame with her broodiness. I took some pictures today when she was off laying. the first one is right outside my back door and gives you a good idea of how steep the hillside is. The bat hates me and is trying to kill me.


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