Nanaimo’s story


Jul 12, 2019
So about a week ago I had posted about a mite infestation in my baby barn where my goats and chickens live, other than a pale comb on one of my chickens I had not noticed any issues. Until I caught my flock viciously attacking one of my babies I had hatched out in May. My little silkie, barnevelder cross Nanaimo was on her side and couldn’t get up. When I picked her up she was limp and almost lifeless.

She had mite eggs on the back of her near her tail. We cleaned them off and put her in a carrier with food and water. That day she moved around a little, ate a bit. Then next day she was terrible, had no balance, wings drooping, not eating or drinking and anytime she tried to walk she would step on her wings and falll and lay on her back and be unable to get up. It was heart breaking. The next day I thought of feeding her some raw eggs, she actually ate them, now she couldn’t hold her balance, we had to hold her to eat but she was eating. Then the next day she was stronger and could hold her balance to eat. Was able to walk, but oddly enough only backwards. She could take a few steps backwards and fall but at least she was moving.

A couple days ago I was planning on taking Nanaimo to the vet cause I couldn’t bear to see her suffer. But she had a will to live. Now this morning I got home from night shift she was so strong still only walking backwards but no falling
ate her raw eggs, drank her water able to hold her balance. Tonight my mother took care of her for me as I am working night shift again, I just got word that she was so strong tonight that not only was she walking forward but she was running and jumping trying to get with the other chickens, my mom and niece had a hard time catching her. I can’t believe that mites could have caused that kind of damage to my little chicken, she was on the brink of death, it’s even harder to believe that she is somehow coming back around.

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