
Thanks everyone for your kind words on the loss of my Ginger. It was hard feeding tonight, I kept looking for her and her stall is empty, but I am glad she passed before this storm hit,the wind is really bad tonight, its not going to be over 8 degrees tomorrow, up to 10 on Sat. I don't think I'll bother opening the chickens pop doors till Sunday or Monday. Back up to the low 30s by late next week.
Hope everyone stays warm and safe.
This is a pretty nasty storm. Roads are terrible out there. Luckily I made it home. Wondering if I am going to make it to work tomorrow.
Hi Montana peeps!
Bonnie, sorry to hear about your old mare awesome that she lived a long full life with someone who loved her horses have been some of my friends throughout my life, no doubt. On the lighter side....all of my eggs from you hatched and they are WONDERFUL. I am soooooo pleased!! I took a few pics today of some random ones that I scooped up..many with lightly feathered legs some colors that are so unique--bonus! Enjoy the pics and I will add more of the others this weekend.

Sounds like you guys may be house bound with your is actually going to be 29 tonight here in the low desert! some front moved in but will be gone by Monday...of course our high will at least be in low 60's so can't complain (-; I have the chicks in my garage with 2 -250watt brooder bulbs. there are 21, so that will help. Temp right now in their brooder is 94 at I think they will be fine.
Warmly, Cindy in AZ

here's some of the blue wheaten ameraucanas from a breeder in San Diego:

hi Tammee! Wow you sound like you got some great chickens, and a great man there for getting them and the coop for you. Those sex link I hear lay amazing. Real good layers ! How old are they? Where did you get them? I am always on the look out for sex links. I live in Butte and have a coop in my back yard . I have a real nice pen to. I had them built for me ( you can see them here some where lol ) I started with 5 girls, but now have nine ( had ten one passed away
. It's going to be real cold here soon, is your coop insulated? Poor girls could get cold with feathers gone. Maybe some good scratch at night to warm them? Not sure how to keep them warm, my coop is insulated very well and the pen is totally enclosed to block wind and snow rain etc.
Now the angus interest me! I'm always on the look out for a good side of beef ( grass fed no Gmo corn fed) wow your close to me cool! I go to dillon to get milk at times, hope to again soon but her goat dried and she is pregnant again. Wow 2000 acres sounds like a dream come true! All I got is a little back yard, but I'm blessed with my girls. I'm looking to add to my flock this spring , looking for some good egg layers ( pullets) my broody passed away,
If you got time. I would love to see the chickens and coop. I'm chicken adicted! ( my family thinks I have gone nuts lol )
Snowing here to, cold as heck and about 4 inches so far ,I hope it snows 2 feet. I love the snow and the fact less fires in the summer.
Have a good night Tammee, stay warm
Karla, I got the sex links from a guy in Belgrade. He has WAY TOO MANY, and they are rather sad looking, but feel they will be good in the end. When I went to get em, his son said "just let us know if you want more". So I am sure he'd give you some too!

My coop was built in the early 1920's. It's built with 4x4 logs. Very warm actually. So cold last night, but their water didn't freeze. I added a 3rd heat lamp to their "pad" yesterday and they were all happy campers this morning. LOL I have room for so many more, but I don 't want to make having them a chore. Just fun. But a gall in 4 Corners has 4 Chocins I am thinking about getting. We will see though!

The Angus are all grass and alfalfa fed and we don't buy any beef at all. It is YUMMY! Just let us know a year ahead of time. They are going to be born shortly!

Let me know when you are headed this way. Small towns, few neighbors. Be fun to know someone local-ish! Tammee
This is a pretty nasty storm. Roads are terrible out there. Luckily I made it home. Wondering if I am going to make it to work tomorrow.

A whooping 11 right now in Dillon. We got about 7 inches of snow in the past 30 hours. It's high desert-like here and this is very rare. I'm used to Bozeman, where I lived for the past 8 years. Roads are OK in town. But it's way better by the fire!
Hi Montana peeps!
Bonnie, sorry to hear about your old mare awesome that she lived a long full life with someone who loved her horses have been some of my friends throughout my life, no doubt. On the lighter side....all of my eggs from you hatched and they are WONDERFUL. I am soooooo pleased!! I took a few pics today of some random ones that I scooped up..many with lightly feathered legs some colors that are so unique--bonus! Enjoy the pics and I will add more of the others this weekend.

Sounds like you guys may be house bound with your is actually going to be 29 tonight here in the low desert! some front moved in but will be gone by Monday...of course our high will at least be in low 60's so can't complain (-; I have the chicks in my garage with 2 -250watt brooder bulbs. there are 21, so that will help. Temp right now in their brooder is 94 at I think they will be fine.
Warmly, Cindy in AZ

here's some of the blue wheaten ameraucanas from a breeder in San Diego:

Ohhhh so cute!
You girls out in the country here in Montana stay warm and safe please! Is nasty out in town, I can not imagine the weather in the country! Please please stay safe.

I'm asking you all, if you have chicks your brooding now, I need to buy some from you . I need pullets, and I'm not going to be picky, but I would like to have something other then birds that lay so late, EE's I want, but they are such late layers that it's not worth it to me unless I broody them in the fall and they lay by spring.unless any of you have EE's that were born last fall and are going to lay by May, I would love them! Other wise I'm looking for chickens that are great egg layers and lay early. ( sex links) RIR etc. with the limited space and all the family I have in my house and mom and dad getting eggs I need some good layers ! Right now I'm down to 3 eggs a day, for a family of 8 they go way fast. Heck when I was getting 7 eggs a day I was still short lol. So what ever you got, I need for this spring and hopefully ready to lay soon after. I'm so scared I will have to buy eggs lol, and I refuse to by store bought, and I can not find any one around me with any as there chickens are not laying either.Help !!! Lol
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Oh my gosh! Those are the cutest chicks! Cindy I love those egg colors to ! I love the white ones what are they? Who did you get the eggs from? Ok I want some ! Thank you soooo much for sharing, I love to see pics ! Makes my day to see fresh young chicks and eggs. I'm so obsessed lol. More pics !
Karla, I got the sex links from a guy in Belgrade. He has WAY TOO MANY, and they are rather sad looking, but feel they will be good in the end. When I went to get em, his son said "just let us know if you want more". So I am sure he'd give you some too!

My coop- was built in the early 1920's. It's built with 4x4 logs. Very warm actually. So cold last night, but their water didn't freeze. I added a 3rd heat lamp to their "pad" yesterday and they were all happy campers this morning. LOL I have room for so many more, but I don 't want to make having them a chore. Just fun. But a gall in 4 Corners has 4 Chocins I am thinking about getting. We will see though!

The Angus are all grass and alfalfa fed and we don't buy any beef at all. It is YUMMY! Just let us know a year ahead of time. They are going to be born shortly! ;)

Let me know when you are headed this way. Small towns, few neighbors. Be fun to know someone local-ish! Tammee
wow Belgrade, I believe I saw that on Craig's list. I would get some in a heart beat, but I'm to worried about adding any bird until there quarantined as I have seen folks loose whole coops full of chickens from disease brought in from stressed birds. I'm so happy you took them, they did look ragged. I'm at a loss right now as to where to put them. Come spring I put the new birds in there own pen, so that's why I have to either brood my self or buy pullets that can be put in a nice pen away from the other girls. I separate for 4 weeks, this way I am pretty sure all is well then I put them with the big girls out side the main pen, but at the end of the day put them back into there own pen. This is how I get the girls used ot each other. Did you add the 12 with your girls now? If so did your older girls do ok with them? Mine seem to be poops so I add slowly. Hey next time I'm down that way I will send you a pm, and maybe if you got the time we can have a cup of coffee :)
Oh and of course I want a half a beef! Sounds like yours are organic ! Yummmm ! Let me know the price ok.
If you get more then one broody this year and are willing to sell her, I need a new broody, my other buff is not the best at it, and not the best mama !
Your coop sounds awesome, are you getting lots of eggs right now? Last month I was getting 5/6 eggs, this month three ugh. Two of my RIRs decided to molt,

I'm also looking for someone to build mom a coop, she wants at least 5 girls and I need a coop set up for electricity so it can have a tin water heater next winter.i want a coop made for her at least 5x7 . I have a 10x10x10 dog kennel for them already so just the coop needs to be built. Now to find someone who will not slaughter me in the price. If you know anyone who can do it for me let me know! We are hoping to have a coop by spring . Likely it will need to be on legs, her yard is slanted lol.
Hi Karla, Cindys chicks are from eggs that she got from me, except for the last 2 photos,and the egg photo shows my eggs in the top carton and also the 1 red egg. I should have very similar chicks this weekend. I have about 80 eggs going into lockdown. I hope to sell some as chicks, but will most likely end up growing out half of them. I will have started pullets mid April, and they should start laying by June. They should all be EE's and olive eggers, and I guess there would be a slight chance of pure Ameraucana and pure Marans.
The storm is still bad here, I got off of work early today, so was home by about 3:, I have everyone fed and locked up for the night. We haven't gotten as much snow as forcast, but the winds are really bad, and its white out conditions up here where I am. I've got the wood stove going, the house nice and warm and I'm in for the night. Everyone stay safe, and stay warm.

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