
join us as much as you can, we love hearing how everyone is doing. It can get a little slow in the summer when everyone is so busy, but we tend to be a chatty bunch in the winter.
Montanachicks, thats just extra calcium on the egg, normal, nothing to worry about. You can also get some real strange looking eggs during or shortly after a molt. I've gotten some that are all wrinkled and look like they were parcially crushed but the shells were just as hard as normal. I often wonder what its like for the poor chickens to have a baby 200+ days every year. That would really suck.
It looks like its going to be a nice day today, sunny, high 30s, cold again tomorrow. I've got a pair of Bald Eagles with 1 juvenile hanging around, and I think they took one of my hens day before yesterday, it most likley was the juvenile, they aren't as good at hunting wild prey, so I'm going to get out and put my bailing twine up on my run again. I never got that done last year after I moved everything around when I finished the coop. I think they are beautiful birds, and I love seeing them, but they can go hunt something else.
Seyanophis  :welcome  join us as much as you can, we love hearing how everyone is doing. It can get a little slow in the summer when everyone is so busy, but we tend to be a chatty bunch in the winter.
Montanachicks, thats just extra calcium on the egg, normal, nothing to worry about. You can also get some real strange looking eggs during or shortly after a molt. I've gotten some that are all wrinkled and look like they were parcially crushed but the shells were just as hard as normal. I often wonder what its like for the poor chickens to have a baby 200+ days every year. That would really suck.
It looks like its going to be a nice day today, sunny, high 30s, cold again tomorrow. I've got a pair of Bald Eagles with 1 juvenile hanging around, and I think they took one of my hens day before yesterday, it most likley was the juvenile, they aren't as good at hunting wild prey, so I'm going to get out and put my bailing twine up on my run again. I never got that done last year after I moved everything around when I finished the coop. I think they are beautiful birds, and I love seeing them, but they can go hunt something else.
yikes, looks like training baby to hunt. I'm glad I do not have to worry about all the preditors, yet you have the best since you have country living and can Have so many more AnimLs and the privacy! I have a guy coming Monday for the chicken, I'm thrilled he is loving the crowing lol.
Will be taking pictures so you can see how they are looking, they look so ratty when there young lol, but there coming along nicely.
here are a few pictures of my 4 month old EE's and my copper Maran. whats weird, he lost most of his copper color around his neck and its replaced with blue feathers an d a touch of copper my his ears. whats up with that??

Karla, they are very nice, it looks like your EEs are part Blue Wheaten Ameraucana, and it sure doesn't look like they mind the snow, mine are such babies I have to put straw down outside the door or they won't go out if they see snow.
I got some of my chick photos downloaded today. they are so cute.
This was one of the last to hatch, Wheaten Ameraucana with very puffy cheeks

Black OE, very puffy cheeks, could pass for Ameraucana but has feathered legs

cute little mottled lavender

One of the 1st Wheaten Ameraucana hatched, really starting to feather up

Very pretty EE, I love the eye liner
Oh I love them! There so adorable! I love the puffy cheeks! Thank you for sharing, I love to see how they feather out and look. I want to mark on the calendar when they were born so I can keep up with age etc. Going to look at your post where they hatched.
Hi Everyone....I hope to post pics soon of my almost 10 day olds from Bonnie (Azriel). They have doubled in size and doing wonderful! I just thought I would share a few new gals in my flock. I purchased them from Jeremy Woeppel (X W poultry in Nebraska-Master Breeder). These are the original strain of Imperial Ringlet Barred Rocks dating back to 1904. They have not been outcrossed with other strains. I will tell you that as I watched them free ranging the first time after their arrival and observation, it just about took my breath away. They are HUGE 10 month old pullets. They are super docile and quiet. They were run with a proven SQ rooster the week before they shipped...I am sure hoping they lay real soon, as I am hoping to get and hatch a few fertile eggs! They have about 2-3 weeks at most to get it done (-: Enjoy! I love seeing all the photos of your birds too. Have a great weekend!


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