
Finished 90% of the run today! It would hold chickens now but I need to add a bunch more staples and tie wire, where the chicken wire overlaps. Also need to install an electrical outlet in the coop, since we plan to put the chicks out there in about two weeks and it is still getting pretty cold. Thought I would hook up a 200W heat lamp to a plug with a 50 Degree thermostat in it so it would come on at night and during our remaining cold days. At least their water shouldn't freeze much more this year! Need to rig up a heated waterer by winter. Thought I would get one of those galvanized steel waterers and wrap some heat tape around the base somehow, or build one of those cookie tin heaters. It bothers me some to have that wasted energy (light) inside the tin that doesn't do anything!

With the run ready to hold chickens we took our three favorite chicks (the two easter eggers and a gray barred rock) to the coop and let them inspect it. They didn't move around much, but were soaking up their new surroundings with interest. One flew the 2'+ right up to the perch after using my boy's back and shoulder as a launching ramp! The barred rock was checking out one of the nesting boxes. A good sign?
OK, who cancelled spring
, its snowing here again this morning. It started out a nice light dusting, now its great big fat flakes that are really building up. I'm way ready for a little warm weather. I have t-shirts waiting to be used, I'm tired of long johns, sweats, and winter coats!
I suppose its going to go from 30 and snow right into 95 and dry as a bone without any nice mild spring weather at all.
Karla, how are the girls doing? Hope they all got into the coop OK last night.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
Uggghhh, I hear you Azriel~ it poured rain off and on all day yesterday and now it's snowing like the dickens...I'm supposed to go deliver some little goat boys today so really hoping this stops and the roads aren't bad around noon...
I hate to complain cuz we need the moisture but it's time for this snow stuff to stop...
I am with y'all on the snow issue. Couple inches of the icky stuff out there right now. I'm over it.

I think everyone that was going to hatch is pretty much done. Unfortunately I just ended up with one turkey- however I'm happy to have that one! I spent some time reading through old threads here last night, and I think I know where I went wrong (humidity issue) so I'm trying again with some home grown eggs. The chicken eggs fared much better though- and I have 26 of the little darlings :)

Dog transports on the agenda for this coming week... have to figure out how to get 1 to Boise and 5 or 6 to Winnipeg. Been awhile since I coordinated one of these longer trips- but on the plus side, maybe I can cruise Craigslist and make a poultry run out of it as well! LoL!

Stay warm everyone!
Finished 90% of the run today! It would hold chickens now but I need to add a bunch more staples and tie wire, where the chicken wire overlaps. Also need to install an electrical outlet in the coop, since we plan to put the chicks out there in about two weeks and it is still getting pretty cold. Thought I would hook up a 200W heat lamp to a plug with a 50 Degree thermostat in it so it would come on at night and during our remaining cold days. At least their water shouldn't freeze much more this year! Need to rig up a heated waterer by winter. Thought I would get one of those galvanized steel waterers and wrap some heat tape around the base somehow, or build one of those cookie tin heaters. It bothers me some to have that wasted energy (light) inside the tin that doesn't do anything!

With the run ready to hold chickens we took our three favorite chicks (the two easter eggers and a gray barred rock) to the coop and let them inspect it. They didn't move around much, but were soaking up their new surroundings with interest. One flew the 2'+ right up to the perch after using my boy's back and shoulder as a launching ramp! The barred rock was checking out one of the nesting boxes. A good sign?
GREAT JOB !!! can not wait to see the pics, about that light, and water warmer, I abandoned my tin can waterer and just hung the heat lamp in there, same wattage as the 200 watt one and we put our water high on bricks, and then hung the heat lamp above. it keeps the water warm, and the chill off the chickens. no it does not heat the whole coop, but it does take a chill off and it does keep the water unfroze. win win LOL
OK, who cancelled spring
, its snowing here again this morning. It started out a nice light dusting, now its great big fat flakes that are really building up. I'm way ready for a little warm weather. I have t-shirts waiting to be used, I'm tired of long johns, sweats, and winter coats!
I suppose its going to go from 30 and snow right into 95 and dry as a bone without any nice mild spring weather at all.
Karla, how are the girls doing? Hope they all got into the coop OK last night.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
still no snow here, actually nice so far. had the girls out while we cleaned and dusted the coop with DE and new litter, put the next broody in a kennel and put food and water in. The dang henny penny ( the other mama to the new chicks ) still wants to sit on the eggs the other has. She broke and egg and it died :( so I put her safely away so it does not happen any more. poor girl could not get up to eat as everyone wants that box.

the pullets are doing fine, I went and tried to let them out, they would have none of it lol. there nice looking girls, are they all easter eggers? Im not sure what I have lol, but you did add one ameracauna for blue eggs to right? Im in love with the blue pullet, wow she is pretty !! I have not gotten to good a look, they will not let me. there all huddled in a corner when ever I try to look. Im leaving them alone for now and will try again tomorrow .
I am with y'all on the snow issue. Couple inches of the icky stuff out there right now. I'm over it.

I think everyone that was going to hatch is pretty much done. Unfortunately I just ended up with one turkey- however I'm happy to have that one! I spent some time reading through old threads here last night, and I think I know where I went wrong (humidity issue) so I'm trying again with some home grown eggs. The chicken eggs fared much better though- and I have 26 of the little darlings :)

Dog transports on the agenda for this coming week... have to figure out how to get 1 to Boise and 5 or 6 to Winnipeg. Been awhile since I coordinated one of these longer trips- but on the plus side, maybe I can cruise Craigslist and make a poultry run out of it as well! LoL!

Stay warm everyone!
congrats on the turkey and the chicks! Maybe you can put more turkey eggs under a broody? I hear they do great as broodys for turkeys and ducks. wow thats a long trip, be careful an d drive safe. sorry about the snow, we in Butte get less then anyone it seems. We have 70% chance the tv weather said, 2-4 inches... I would say maybe an inch and it will be gone by the next morning. we shall see. I would love to see more snow, here any ways. we need a good old fashioned 36 inches at once lol.
well here is the broodys batch she hatched out last weekend. the gal was unsure what the eggs were, most were white, one was blue, and a few were brown. rooster was a big white one lol, and she says she has barred rocks, RIR and so fourth. not sure what they are, but man 4 out of six are sure flighty and run amuck ! She said she had white birds also, Im assuming these may be leghorns. As you can see, a few have black spots on them, but only a few.

my other broody all hunkered down

I finally have a minute to write!
Azriel, the girls are beautiful and so sweet. They talk so nicely and have settled in well in the isolation box. I am going to really enjoy them!
Karla, thank you sooo much for getting them delivered to me.
It still isn't raining or snowing here yet... but the sky is getting gloomier. I let the kids out to run around the area before the storm get here. They are pretty good and running back into their fenced area and heading straight for the coops when it gets ugly outside. Just makes it hard for me to do head counts when the weather turns ugly and I go to lock them all in. They just love it when they are given freedom to run the acre - a few sometimes wander into the farmer's pasture at the rear of our place but stick close and return rather fast when the cows come over to check out what just invaded their territory.

Here's hoping the storm comes through quickly and burns off fast. That way we get the moisture, but also get nice weather to be out in.
Started the 4 letter "S" word last night. We got around 3 inches.
Our twin bull calf, Butterfinger, showed up at the barn without his graft mom so he is in the barn with a warm bed of straw and grass. Got a bottle of warm milk replacer in his belly too. Now to wait for my milk cow to calve and no more milk replacer. DD named him Butterfinger because he like to suck on her fingers, his twin sister is still with the graft cow so we are good.

Lost around 4 chicks, but the Royal Palm turkey chicks like to make me duck by flying at me! Crazy birds! I love them!

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