
I thought chickens would eat mice, too. But I have loads of them living under the coop and coming out to eat in the evening and mornings and no one is eating them.  When I cleaned out the coop, I even found two that had gotten into the coop and settled in behind an egg box. I have alot of chickens, so if they were going to eat them, they should be doing it.  I guess I feed them too well.  Apparently, I need another option to keep the mice out of the run and coop!
I would set up some live trap boxes, this way chicken will be safe and you can trap and release or box up to kill. Yuck, I found mice babies in my arame, no mom just 2 mice babies, me thinks the garage has mice. Looking to trap my self.
ReptileMom, this works good if you can pick up your feed at night and have an area that the chickens can't get to. After you pick up the food, put a bucket (2 1/2- 3 gal works good) full of dry oatmeal for a night or 2 to get the mice used to eating in it. Then after the mice know they are getting food from the bucket, fill it just over half full of water and sprinkle oatmeal over the top of the water, the mice will go to eat, fall in and drown. Then you can feed them to the chickens if you want, or just bury them.
Any chance your hubby put poison out for the mice and the roos ate either the poison or the mice that ate the poison? It doesn't take much of that stuff to kill a chicken. If you find any of the little baby mice, feed them to the chickens, they love them.
My cow had her calf yesterday, a little bull calf. I was hoping for a heifer, but both Mom and baby are doing well and that's the most important thing. I took some photos, but my camera battery died and I forgot to buy one when I was in Billings today.

This is where my hen went broody, this is a picture of her,
ReptileMom, this works good if you can pick up your feed at night and have an area that the chickens can't get to. After you pick up the food, put a bucket (2 1/2- 3 gal works good) full of dry oatmeal for a night or 2 to get the mice used to eating in it. Then after the mice know they are getting food from the bucket, fill it just over half full of water and sprinkle oatmeal over the top of the water, the mice will go to eat, fall in and drown. Then you can feed them to the chickens if you want, or just bury them.
Any chance your hubby put poison out for the mice and the roos ate either the poison or the mice that ate the poison? It doesn't take much of that stuff to kill a chicken. If you find any of the little baby mice, feed them to the chickens, they love them.
My cow had her calf yesterday, a little bull calf. I was hoping for a heifer, but both Mom and baby are doing well and that's the most important thing. I took some photos, but my camera battery died and I forgot to buy one when I was in Billings today.
congrats on the new baby !
ReptileMom, this works good if you can pick up your feed at night and have an area that the chickens can't get to. After you pick up the food, put a bucket (2 1/2- 3 gal works good) full of dry oatmeal for a night or 2 to get the mice used to eating in it. Then after the mice know they are getting food from the bucket, fill it just over half full of water and sprinkle oatmeal over the top of the water, the mice will go to eat, fall in and drown. Then you can feed them to the chickens if you want, or just bury them.
Any chance your hubby put poison out for the mice and the roos ate either the poison or the mice that ate the poison? It doesn't take much of that stuff to kill a chicken. If you find any of the little baby mice, feed them to the chickens, they love them.
My cow had her calf yesterday, a little bull calf. I was hoping for a heifer, but both Mom and baby are doing well and that's the most important thing. I took some photos, but my camera battery died and I forgot to buy one when I was in Billings today.
Congrats on the new calf, Bonnie!!!
Hello all. I installed a wireless web cam in my chicken coop and have been enjoying spying on them at night! I was wondering if you could view the camera from your location. If it comes up you can operate (pivot sideways and up and down) the camera by clicking the arrow buttons. Could you give it a shot and let me know if it works?

link is:

Your username, if asked, is: MTVisitor
Your password, if asked, is: montana

Thanks for trying, it works from my computer but I have some camera software installed, don't know if it will work remotely!

Hello all. I installed a wireless web cam in my chicken coop and have been enjoying spying on them at night! I was wondering if you could view the camera from your location. If it comes up you can operate (pivot sideways and up and down) the camera by clicking the arrow buttons. Could you give it a shot and let me know if it works?

link is:

Your username, if asked, is: MTVisitor
Your password, if asked, is: montana

Thanks for trying, it works from my computer but I have some camera software installed, don't know if it will work remotely!


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