
That Foscam looks like a good unit too. Very similar to the Wansview. The true-color IR filter is nice. Mine does not have that and the color is not so good at night because the IR light kind of washes things out. Hard to tell the difference between the RIRs and Black Australorps!
Happy Sunday everyone. We had some wild weather up here Thursday night, I watched a tornado pop in and out of the clouds, never touching down, but I had huge hail anywhere from golf ball to baseball size. I ended up with 1 broken window and my bathroom skylight totally smashed. I'm up high and dry, but there were a lot of flash flood warnings in the area and the road that I have to take to get to the highway flooded and washed badly.
I finally got the photos of my baby calf downloaded, he was just a few hours old in these, and I need to get some new ones. Thats his Mom's white face in the 1st photo.

If anyone is interested in a nice Black Copper Marans cockerel, I have one that is just too nice to put in the freezer. He has great color, nicely feathered legs, good size and is totaly non agressive. He was hatched late Jan, and was from an extra extra dark brown egg. Please send me a pm if interested. This boy could be shown and doesn't mind being picked up and handled. Hope everyone is having a great Fathers day weekend.
Hi y'all. Hope the weekend went well for everyone. It was great here. I got alot done outside.
I haven't lost any more chickens since the 3 roosters died. Treatments went well and everyone seems healthy and happy.
I am trying to get some more Lemon Cuckoo hatching eggs from the gal that I hatched my prize cockerel from. I was so upset that he just up and died. Hopefully, I can get some more eggs from her. I have hatched some from other breeders and have not been very impressed with what I got. It can be a real gamble. I am just hoping for another boy like I had.
I have been selling Mille Fleur bantam Cochins here. People seem to really like them. Only problem is getting people to buy the males. Always have too many males of breeds that nobody wants!

Azriel, that's a beautiful new boy there. Hope he grows with no problems arising. I want to thank you again for my Wheaten Ameraucana girls. I named them Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum and just love them. They have the sweetest personalities and are very friendly. I haven't put them together with the boy. They have been living with a bantam cochin pair and are as happy as can be. My Blue Wheaten boy is quite agressive and I feel so bad about even planning on housing them together - they are just too sweet to have to deal with him. I am planning on putting it off until they start laying and then decide what I will do.

Hope everyone is enjoying the great weather, as we know, it won't last very long. It's suppose to cool down quite a bit by the last half of the week.
Have a great week, everyone!
Hi guys! Well, our hopes of keeping my daughters Silkie rooster have been dashed. He is just not a good fit and makes the girls so nervous. Not to mention he literally crows constantly. I think its because the two younger roosters are now coming into their own and its a dominance thing. Here is my question. Our three roosters are one silkie, two dark Brahma bantams. None of those seem worth eating and no one will buy them, they have been on craigslist. What do I do? Just kill them? One of our little guys has yet to do anything awful not the other is just plain mean. I would almost feel bad selling him to someone else. They just won't be worth the meat and I feel awful just killing them... but they are stressing out my girls, they freak out my kids and the incessant crowing (all three are competing for top vocalist of the year I am sure. Lol. Ant ideas? I am new to all this, I knew I would have to do the deed eventually but I always consoled myself with the fact that they could be eaten so it was circle of life stuff... but the blue meat and TINY bantams are something I never factored in. Ugh. Help!
Nice looking calf azriel glad he is doing so well,
Sorry bout your roosters dying reptile mom ,I hope you can get more eggs, I have never seen a bantam, I bet there so cute. But I'm more Ito big eggs lol.

Rookiemom I'm so sorry you are dealing with the rooster problem, I found a sweet gal in Whitehall who took all my roosters and even my 3 year old and my copper maran that laid so little even tough she was only a year old. It's been nice not worrying about the roosters and she added them to the rest of her chickens out on the range.
I can not have any roosters so I take a chance every time I hatch out chicks, but she has been wonderful and takes what I can not have or older girls.

Today we got our first Olive egg, a tiny olive egg , last week we got our first little green egg, both from, azriel s girls. Must be marans and ameracauna? None of my girls came with fluffy faces so not sure what they are lol.
The leg horn girl ( the only one out of 6 ) is getting close to 3 months old, can not wait until she lays. Man what a goof ball, no more leg horns there a pain in the arse. To fIghty and scary cats.
Heading to Hamilton the beginning of next month to pick up my RIR and naked neck girls . Good layers to hold us over for the winter. The last RIR and RIR mixed with ameracauna i got from cackleberry kept us in eggs all winter long.
We finally took all the plastic off the pen, after all the snow and rains it's nice to see better days now. Oh besides it going down to 55 again on Wednesday lol. Got my gardening done, planted and praying for a bumper crop ! Hope your all doing good , dug chin up! :)
Hi! Outside Manhattan. By Belgrade, outside case yu don't know of Manhattan.
Sadly we had to kill one of the roosters tonight. I was sitting outside the run,as usual, and watched him completely attack my crippled pullet. He chased her (limp and all) for over a minute, then her best friend, my runt, even tried to save her, he wouldn't stop! He ripped of a chunk of her comb and had her pinned into a rock pile by the time I got thru the gate to save her. He ruffled up his feathers at me and came charging at me this morning so I knew his time was limited. I still have a beautiful silkie roo that needs a home, he is my daughters and I would LOVE for him to have a home so she can know he is happy somewhere. He is just SO loud and crows ALL day. He is hilarious and is usually kind of a gentlemen, just not enough for my two young kids to be around all the time. If he could have a home that would be great. Thanks and let me know.
Its hard to get rid of roosters some tmes, I feel for you :) I may have one more, I'm growing him or her totally out to see for sure.
Tonight I watched my little girl ( got her from Ariel ) lay a green egg on the lawn, it was so funny, like omg what's happening ,as the wandered all over the
Ann. This is her second egg, both eggs laid late n the evening. I thought it was her that laid the last olive egg, but this all black little girl laid a pretty green egg.
Kinda cool to see a chicken lay an egg right in front of me lol. Moms taking her hand at pickled eggs, hope they come out good. I'm doing good on the egg count for a back yard owner, :D

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