
Thanks everyone, I'm using a tin shed now with inch thick wood floors and plan on modifying the coop floor soon. Also planning on an electric poultry fence!
Our town is quite small so predators abound.
Thanks everyone, I'm using a tin shed now with inch thick wood floors and plan on modifying the coop floor soon. Also planning on an electric poultry fence!
Our town is quite small so predators abound.

My little discovery for us..have never had an FWP guy just laughed at me when I asked if we had bears...I live in kinda deep woods. NO I repeat NO invasions.

In fact I just added this to my signature because I think it is best thing since sliced bread and protects our ladies so well. I so hate hearing about losses, that I can't even imagine how the owner would feel. I would be on the floor.
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So i love Pink Grizzly nursery in Missoula...thats where i bought my Russian sage last year (plus its a beautiful plant!) but I got it mid season. they have a huge selection of everything plant wise and are super helpful if you have any questions about planting... I bought my Lemon Balm online... I love .... they have wonderful seed sampler packets and for $19.99 you can order the 'chicken herbs starter pack' with like 10 different herbs that are all beneficial and easy to grow...and lemon balm is included, and there is a descriptions ... ...IF you are ambitious and wanna start some stuff on your own. I've found it to be the tiniest bit tedious, but since I'm already starting stuff for our garden, its been super fun and rewarding knowing I am adding a bit more on to provide healthy treats for the gals!
Another note...I ordered my gals from Metzer already in love with them! (2 Cuyuga's, 2 Blue Swedish) Using our Great Danes Kennel that she never ended up using for their Brooder! Hahaha! Anyway...I am super into herbs and their benefits, so I will keep updates coming!!!!
Yes please re: herbs. I have a fair size herb garden since the last five years when I discovered that herbs will grow outside in Montana (silly me) and lemon balm is prolific and amazing. I bring the rosemary, parsley, lemongrass and pineapple sage inside for the winter though! Keep the info coming, nice to share all of this and I LOVE HERBS! Chickens like them in the nesting boxes particularly! Bergamot is lovely, isn't it? And I have identified the wild-growing herbs in the woods: bergamot, yarrow, heal-all, oregon grape root come to mind...
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Over here, in south central, wild herbs include wild garlic and onions, dandelion, burdock, yarrow, and certain lilies like sego lilies. And, of course, sagebrush. Always and everywhere

Something that grows perrenial in my garden is tarragon and sometimes, thyme. The tarragon goes so great with cheese, egg, chicken and fish, and is so much different and better fresh. It's been in my garden as a perrenial for six years now!
It dies down to the roots and regrows fresh branches every spring.
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Now I will have to look for burdock...that is a great herb I didn't know grew wild. we have the wild onions here too...oh and chickweed!!!! Ever fed your chickens that? lol now I know how it got its name...and they love the dandelions too!

And mullein grows wild. Occasionally I can even find some arnica...
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Over here, in south central, wild herbs include wild garlic and onions, dandelion, burdock, yarrow, and certain lilies like sego lilies. And, of course, sagebrush. Always and everywhere

Something that grows perrenial in my garden is tarragon and sometimes, thyme. The tarragon goes so great with cheese, egg, chicken and fish, and is so much different and better fresh. It's been in my garden as a perrenial for six years now!
It dies down to the roots and regrows fresh branches every spring.

I have sego lilies that pop up every spring but I never knew what they were until you mentioned them. I looked them up and my yearly question was answered!
Now I will have to look for burdock...that is a great herb I didn't know grew wild. we have the wild onions here too...oh and chickweed!!!! Ever fed your chickens that? lol now I know how it got its name...and they love the dandelions too!

And mullein grows wild. Occasionally I can even find some arnica...

Ughhhhh just be careful with it. We moved out to a spot on the Blackfoot last summer and there is Burdock EVERYWHERE! Its fine on the hill to the river, but the roots are sooooo thick that its impossible to get rid of and so we just have to walk around and cut it at the ground level at the beginning of summer... and once it starts to produce burs (I think in its second year) and your animals come inside covered in burs, you might not love it as much! hahaha.
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