
[QUOTE="wamtazlady, post: 20481251, member: 227401-snip-
I have read about hoop run and thought about building one. Would still like to know how much trouble they are to set up and cover. I don't know of anyone in this area with one I could go look at. How well does the snow slide off the hoop run?[/QUOTE]

When things calm down here I'll take photos for you. They are fairly simple IMO... Our first one was built as a "tractor" but became a permanent attachment to the coop when free ranging turned out to work well and our dogs showed themselves to be absolutely trustworthy.... The angle of the arc allows snow to slide easily. We are drier here than your area. When the snow is heavy, I shake it off with a rake. No biggie.
It's a walk-in size for me, and I had no trouble covering the first one with shade cloth and greenhouse tarp.
Regarding supplemental winter light, last year was my first with chickens and I did not use any supplemental light, or any supplemental heat, for that matter. Last year‘s pullets hatched April 10. Our two Australorps started laying in early September. Our three Easter Eggers started laying in November. Our two Silkies started laying around January 10. The coop does have big south facing windows, and I don’t know if that made any difference, but your pullets could start laying this fall even if you don’t use supplemental light.

Laying did slow down dramatically when it was bitterly cold here (sub zero) in December. Our two Australorps stopped laying completely for a month or so and we got only one Easter Egger egg per day. I was fine with that, as they clearly needed to put more energy into staying warm!
Last time I had only pullets they were different breeds and started to lay in Aug-Sept at 20-24 weeks old. Then they laid great through the winter. Was getting 8-10 eggs a day from 12 pullets. These Chochins are slower than any other breed I've had before, but got them because I love the look of them. Plus, with all those feathers they should do great in winter. Only have the one laying and they are 28 weeks old. Normally I don't use light as i let the girls take a break. However, these girls don't need a break since they haven't started.

@Icwmt Would love to see how you did yours.
Here's a photo of version one of our first hoop run. Later, greenhouse tarp was added.

It took a while to figure it out. This one is 4' x 10'. The new one is 6' x 10'. Both are tall enough to stand upright in.
The second is larger and was completed in less than half a day. It is now attached to the run.

Last evening, I posted an article (Star House Chicken Adventure, part one) about the first part of this process, more coming as time allows.
I was thinking of doing mine using some cattle panels I have here. Now that I can see the angle of the roof it looks as though it would shed snow very well. Might have to see if I can get someone to build one to make my run larger. Thanks for the picture.
I was thinking of doing mine using some cattle panels I have here. Now that I can see the angle of the roof it looks as though it would shed snow very well. Might have to see if I can get someone to build one to make my run larger. Thanks for the picture.

Cattle panels will work well. It will be a two person job and you'll want hardware cloth around the bottom to keep varmints out. Then shade cloth or tarping for weather protection and you are golden!

It's kinda obvious, but will say it anyway: The angle of the roof is determined by the width of the base and the interior height.. Using cattle panels and creating a space tall enough to stand in should be sort of automatic. We used conduit to support the hoop at its height. Run #1 was 3/4" conduit, #2 is 1/2 ". I think cattle panel might need the heavier. Then again, it will depend on how many hoop arcs you make <G>. It is not an exact science around here. We are not "builders". As you play with your available materials, things might make themselves clear.
Hi I’m just outside of kalispell around Bigfork MT, I was wondering if anyone had a standard show quality Black Chochin Rooster that I could borrow for breeding or buy, thanks in advance.

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