Month old chick broken leg


In the Brooder
Oct 10, 2018
I just got a chick from someone that has a broken leg . I chwcked to see if i thought it was a slipped tendon but i didnt feel that.

The leg is just dangling and seems it has no control.

I want to to help this chick . I was preapered for slipped tendon and splayed leg cure but im not sure how to splint it.

He just said the leg was stuck up under the wire of the cage. Probably over night.

Do you think the leg can be fixed?
Should i make a chick cradle?
What does it sound like to do?
Leg need amputated?
picture of leg
You can post a video to YouTube with a link posted here. It sounds like the chick has nerve damage in the leg. You can try a chick chair or splinting or both. A vet might be the best bet, but expensive. Chicks can get along with one functioning leg, but it depends on the chick. Here is a link for chick chairs where you can place food and water right in front, but let them lie down frequently to sleep or stretch:

Here is another link about splinting:

You can post a video to YouTube with a link posted here. It sounds like the chick has nerve damage in the leg. You can try a chick chair or splinting or both. A vet might be the best bet, but expensive. Chicks can get along with one functioning leg, but it depends on the chick. Here is a link for chick chairs where you can place food and water right in front, but let them lie down frequently to sleep or stretch:

Here is another link about splinting:

It seems like it is having trouble getting around. it eventually falls over to one side and just lays there ...

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