Moody broodys


9 Years
Jul 28, 2010
These hens are driving me crazy, two of them have been on/off broody for about 10days now but not sitting on eggs!! They sit in there all day, usually both in the same nest box but now a third has joined them, when i first saw them all three where in the same nest box!! There is still no eggs under any of them though. I had them shut out all day yesterday and they seemed to join back into normal flock behaviour but today they where straight back in there. I dont mind if they had eggs under them but they are just wating there time and taking up space!!

Some pics of the moody broodys...

The little hen behind the white one on the left nest box is the one thats only just joined them.

Roxy and Ethel

And heres just one of my last year hatch that my first broody hatched out. (his mom is spying behind the fence)
Well, if you go in labor almost every day, you'd be a bit moody, too! Oh, the drama in the hen house!
LOL... Very funny!

I know the feeling! I wish my Buff Orps would make up their mind! Are they broody or not?! If so, YAY! If not, GET OUT OF THAT BOX AND CATCH SOME BUGS! LOL

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