More "Is this a sign of imminent laying?" questions...


15 Years
Dec 23, 2007
We have a mixed flock of Golden Polish, Buff Orpingtons, Delawares, Buff Brahmas, and what were billed as "Araucanas" but I suspect to be EEs. They are just about 18 weeks. I think I am seeing some squatting, and they are noisy and making huge poops the last 2-3 days. Some of them (some Orps, Delawares and EE's, one Brahma) are getting redder combs.

The most notable new behavior (started a couple days ago) is digging holes in the dirt in the stall where they live (with access to the pasture) and wallowing around in it, rolling in the dirt and pulling dirt/bedding forward with their beaks. Sometimes 2 or 3 will share a hole and roll on each other. Here's a pic of the Orps, rolling around:


So is this an "I'm gonna lay an egg soon" behavior, or are my hens just messy???
I believe that's just taking a dust bath. They all do that at all ages! It's a bird thing! They look so crazy when they do it. I love to watch them. Mine will all line up and take turns. Most of the time 2 or 3 of them will try to get in the same dust hole and just flap and look all goofy.
Oh, well, wishful thinking. Odd I have never seen them do it before (and no tell-tale holes in the dirt until 2 days ago).

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