More on injured chicken

unbaked pegga

9 Years
Nov 22, 2014
Lebanon TN
I made a post on Saturday about my four chickens that a raccoon got into my coop and killed two of my chickens and there was one that was not in that area but still she seems affected. I cannot see any
wounds on her she does limp. I called the hatchery while I bought these chickens and the owner said that she was probably in shock and depressed and just to leave her alone and it would take her a while. So I have left her alone as much as I can, I can’t just leave her out in the boiling sun I have to put her somewhere where there’s shade but I am just so so worried. I’ve got a short video and a couple of pictures. In the video she kind of stands like she is a penguin, and I’ve always heard that was from be an egg bound but I know she’s not there because she laid the day this happened. And she walks like a pink, laboriously . But she is bright eyed when she is awake and she has a good appetite for a time. She is just a little chicken and doesn’t have a lot of weight to lose but I can’t hover over her because it would probably kill both of us. So in this video it shows her walking and eating a little bit of watermelon and then the other she goes over and hangs her head then like she just totally despondent so I don’t understand please can anybody give me any insight or if you know of a site I might visit just to help me understand what’s going on with her. I took the photo about 5 minutes after I took the video and omg she looks dead
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Hi Peggy,
I'm very sorry to hear about your losses:hugs

I'd be inclined to feel for an egg, just to be sure. Tell us what her abdomen below the vent between her legs feels like too - is it bloated or fluid filled?

Even if she wasn't in the area, could she have run into something in a panic? If she's not having trouble passing an egg, I'd have to say she's suffered some type of injury. The way she moves could be spinal or neurological injury.

You are right, she does need shade and if you feel she needs extra attention, then give it to her. Gently move her about to shade or to food/water. The watermelon looks tasty. See that she's drinking well and eating her normal feed. If she struggles to bend forward to reach the feed or water station, set them on a block of wood or brick to raise them up so it's easier for her.

I would get some vitamins into her. Give her Vitamin E (400IU) and B-Complex (1/4 tablet) daily. Vitamin E along with B1 may help give support to nerve injury. A little scrambled egg or tuna daily contain protein and nutrients to help with the uptake of E, so if possible, give her a little treat of one of those daily too.

I know these Ladies have been very dear to you, I hope she's able to recover.
Hi Peggy,
I'm very sorry to hear about your losses:hugs

I'd be inclined to feel for an egg, just to be sure. Tell us what her abdomen below the vent between her legs feels like too - is it bloated or fluid filled?

Even if she wasn't in the area, could she have run into something in a panic? If she's not having trouble passing an egg, I'd have to say she's suffered some type of injury. The way she moves could be spinal or neurological injury.

You are right, she does need shade and if you feel she needs extra attention, then give it to her. Gently move her about to shade or to food/water. The watermelon looks tasty. See that she's drinking well and eating her normal feed. If she struggles to bend forward to reach the feed or water station, set them on a block of wood or brick to raise them up so it's easier for her.

I would get some vitamins into her. Give her Vitamin E (400IU) and B-Complex (1/4 tablet) daily. Vitamin E along with B1 may help give support to nerve injury. A little scrambled egg or tuna daily contain protein and nutrients to help with the uptake of E, so if possible, give her a little treat of one of those daily too.

I know these Ladies have been very dear to you, I hope she's able to recover.
I hope this comes through. I have posted videos here before but I have had a challenge this time. This was day before yesterday she is walking some better than this today. She actually got up on the roost last night, I have no idea how she did it but I heard her flap her wings and I looked in the window and she was up on the roost with my other chicken that I have left. I will give her some vitamin B and I believe I have some vitamin E here it wouldn’t hurt both of them to have it. I appreciate that information. I know they must have PTSD. When I came out that night Rosie was in the run. I and saw the raccoon and it had my jubilee Orpington Blossum (my little fussy girl😔) I didn’t think it had gotten to Rosie yet or maybe it had gotten her but she was able to get away. My other Orpington Jade was still on the roost. She is black and she might not have visible. want to buy a couple of more chicks so badly. I love the appearance of the jubilee. Blossum was a textbook jubilee - beautiful but that’s not why I loved her. I just don’t know if I have the fortitude to go through the possibility of another one getting killed. My daughter who has chickens advised me not to get any. She said they were frail and didn’t live very long anyway. But she has hers strictly for eggs. These chickens were almost like a little family and now 2 are gone. It is just terrible
I hope she improves over time.
I agree with you, the vitamins won't hurt either of them for a short time.
It can be hard losing them. I think we all get attached to a certain extent.
Only you can decide if you are ready to take on some little ones.
I still have Rosie. She is eating and is actually able to fly up on the top rung but she has that terrible stooping posture. The pen is so quiet now. Except for Jade whimpering there are no happy sounds in the run and pen. Before this happened they were a happy vocal group of chickens with everyone having an opinion and not afraid to tell you what it was. When they went to roost they all wanted the same place on the roost and there was much discussion about this but they settled it quickly. I hope I will eventually be able to have more chickens


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I still have Rosie. She is eating and is actually able to fly up on the top rung but she has that terrible stooping posture. The pen is so quiet now. Except for Jade whimpering there are no happy sounds in the run and pen. Before this happened they were a happy vocal group of chickens with everyone having an opinion and not afraid to tell you what it was. When they went to roost they all wanted the same place on the roost and there was much discussion about this but they settled it quickly. I hope I will eventually be able to have more chickens
Being able to fly up and roost is showing some progress.
I can only imagine that she must have injured herself somehow during that terrible attack.
I'd try the vitamin therapy to see if it helps. Jade can have the vitamins to, so maybe you can add them to a favorite snack like bits of scrambled egg or yogurt, whatever little treat they like.
Thank you again for your advice and kind words. I put the liquid like I use. I put it in their drinking water. I just started it today. I let you know how they recover
I still have Rosie. She is eating and is actually able to fly up on the top rung but she has that terrible stooping posture. The pen is so quiet now. Except for Jade whimpering there are no happy sounds in the run and pen. Before this happened they were a happy vocal group of chickens with everyone having an opinion and not afraid to tell you what it was. When they went to roost they all wanted the same place on the roost and there was much discussion about this but they settled it quickly. I hope I will eventually be able to have more chickens

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