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In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 22, 2010
In designing my cages, I am using 1/2 hardware cloth.

I want quail for eggs to eat, pickle, and sell. I want quail for my family to eat.

I was thinking of starting with Cage # 1 as a 36" long, 24" deep with 2 or 3 compartments (12 or 18" wide x 24" deep) as my first breeder cage.
Cage # 2 as 36" long, 24 " deep as a grow out cage for freezer camp birds.
Cage # 3 also 36" x 24" for layers

I was thinking of starting with 50-60 hatching eggs (Brinsea Octo 20), in hopes to get 2 or 3 breeder sets, 1M to 3F?, about 10 to 15 layers and the rest will get to go to Camp!

Then every 3-4 months breed more for freezer camp and replace the layers, who will then go to Camp.

How often should I consider replacing breeders?
If you use 1/2" wire for the floors you will have a problem with poop building up on the wire. I would recommend 1/2" x 1" welded cage wire for the floor.
I will, thank you! I want to have my cages built, my bator set up before I start looking at eggs! Got my chicks at 2 days old and then was scrambling to get my coop and run built. Went down to the wire with that one. My 17 year old couldn't understand why the chickens had to have a "cute" house to live in!
I wouldn't use that for the floor because coons can grab their feet, and they will get their legs caught. 1/2 inch wire works great for me, even if it doesn't all go through it will before long. The only time I have had it build up is when it is around 10*.
Thanking for the link to look at the eggs! Still planning on using 1/2" hardware cloth for all sides.

Just wondering about my plans for the breeding cages, layer and grow out cages. Any thoughts?
Raccoons can reach through the wire and take a leg off of your birds. They reach through the bottom and pull them down. I have had this happen before. With the one inch gaps they will get their toes caught too. The best way to go is 1/2 inch all over.
this is what I use it works good for the coturnix it is almost too small for my Bobs Poo , My quail have never had any problems walking on it. Coon are dispatched fairly quickly around here if they happen to make it this far
several layers of security around here LOL

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