Morning Chicken World....My Rescued Chickens


5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
My Coop
My Coop

My next door neighbor has 2 hens and a rooster that he can't take care of and has already lost a rooster to dogs. My yard is fenced in but is only about 4 foot tall. So today I will be building a coop and a small run. I was raised around chickens and have been wanting some chickens and I guess this will be my start. I am not sure how many chickens I will end up with so I am going to make my coop large enough for about 6-8 chickens.
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Glad you could take the birds in. There is lots of info on coop building in the Learning Center. As for space, plan on 4 square feet of floor space in the coop, and 10 square feet in the run per bird.

Welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community! And congrats on your new flock! If you need any hints on building your coop, you might find some ideas on our coops pages. Lots of really nice coops and many of them even have written up plans. Many are easy to follow....

Enjoy this new adventure you are on and we welcome you to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your new chickens, nice of you to take them, I am sure they will appreciate their new home. TwoCrows gave you the link to the Coops section, good luck with the build, and good idea to build bigger and take Chicken Math into account. You might also like to check out the Texas state thread for your chicken keeping neighbors
Started the coop today. Its a 8' x 7' Lean-to with plenty of ventilation and two trap doors, one for the run and the other to the backyard. Also a 6' door 36" wide for entry and room to get a wheelbarrow in and out for cleaning. plenty of upstairs storage for hay and miscellaneous items. Here are a few pics of the progress..

Yes drumstick diva, getting two eggs a day already.
"Cluck Ville" Now Taking Boarders...
Well got the roof on and walls up and fenced in the run and moved the crew in this past weekend. Still have some finishing to do such as nesting boxes and another trap door to the backyard. Wow is this a lot of work. But I'm sure we will enjoy our new pets

My construction crew

Walls up and run fenced

girls are in but the roo won't have anything to do with it

this pit is concreted in and wont budge so we had to fence around

roof going on

temporary roost which they won't use, they just sleep on the hard floor. The square framing on the back wall will be the nesting boxes, temporary nest a pop up barrel with an old swing cushion. 2 eggs a day

Can't catch the he sleeps under the coop and is faster than me.... lol but finally after a 2 day chase he is in the coop

My helper "freckles" checking the fence line
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