Moscovy ducks and saltwater


10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
We hatched 6 Muscovy ducklings this spring but we are moving to the coast this summer and will be on saltwater.

How well do they handle saltwater?

I know geese, swans and several kinds of ducks swim in saltwater but don't know about our babies.
hi, first of all its Muscovy, Muscovies don't tend to handle any water very well they only use it to bathe, they don't truly like swimming, but do enjoy it on occasion however, ill post more later
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Okay so muscovies only use water mainly for bathing and rarely for enjoyment so it should be fine just be sure to always have fresh water near by, any ducks raised on salt water can get dehydrated super quick so about 5, 2 gallon buckets of fresh water should do it, water from the hose or tap should be fine, I hope everything works out

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