Mosquito (and other pesky insect) Rant


11 Years
Feb 2, 2008
Superior, WI
So, I have been sitting at my computer tonight catching up on all of the day's happenings for the last hour and so far I have killed OVER 30 mosquitos trying to feed on me and the kids!!!! Inside the house!!!! And we have screens, closed door policys etc!!!! #$%@^&* mosquitos!!!!! Oop, make that 31;) HA!!!
For years I kept one of those bug zappers people have in their yards, on a table in my house, on a paper plate. It worked really, really well.

Now I have a large mosquito killer dealy which uses attractant, a fan etc., and don't have the need.

I highly suggest it, as mosquito bites are the pits, and pass disease!

Good luck...oh and here's some Calamine in the meantime ------> [] ; )
Once bug season hits, the dogs are not allowed to dawdle in the doorway, going in and out. I also brush any hitch hikers off as they are coming in, as they will sometimes have them on their coats. They also sometimes have some feeding on their faces as they come in, that I squish. The dogs are trained to wait to be inspected when they come in, before running off to do whatever. I hate living in the woods sometimes!

The last few years have been better, but with all the flooding I think we have about a week before the big hatch hits. Oh, well. Not much you can do about it. In heavy years, we've run a small zapper in the corner of the great room, too. I found out it works on gnats, too.

I also put a floor fan in front of the patio door, blowing out. It really does help blow the unattached mosquitoes away from the door, that were following the dogs back to the patio from the woods. When the dogs come back to the door, I turn the fan on high and let it blow through the screen for a minute, before I let the dogs back in.

We also do a check of the walls right before we go to bed at night, with a swatter in hand. A cotton ball of peroxide takes care of any that were "full." These are my skeeter tips of the day.

And you have my sympathy.
We have MILLIONS of mosquito's!!! And I'm not kidding, I have bites all over my legs and arms, my son does as well.....
I just bought a dynatrap - and put some lure in it, I hung it up on Wednesday and its been running ever since..... I can't see into the thing to see if its actually WORKING or not, I also sprayed around our yard, where the longer grass is, in shady spots - around the fawcets etc..... STILL Millions of mosquito's.
I HATE spraying that DEET stuff on my skin, but I have to.... and calamine lotion doesn't work for me, makes no difference - I bought some Benadryl - it works for a while to stop the itch.

We must have 100 of them stuck between out kitchen window and the screen, somehow they got in there... thankfully the kitchen window is closed, so there they'll stay!
A fan is my outdoor trick.

I run an extension cord out to the chair I sit in, and put a box fan on a table or tote to my side, pointing at me. No matter how many mosquitoes there are, they can't bite me because they can't hang out or fly in the wind. Mosquito-free zone.
We take our fan outside, too! We had a big hatch during the time we were building the chickie tractor on the patio, so we set a fan up out there. My husband sometimes takes one down to our pole shed when he's working on a project during a bad hatch, too. They really help. The dogs are smart enough to lay in front of it, too, even when they aren't overheated, just to keep the bugs off of them. I started using a fan after someone mentioned they had a ceiling fan installed on their porch, to keep away mosquitoes.

Nothing is more impressive than seeing a steak on a grill, with the raw side up, covered in mosquitoes.
I've since trained my husband to leave the cover on when grilling!
""Nothing is more impressive than seeing a steak on a grill, with the raw side up, covered in mosquitoes. sickbyc I've since trained my husband to leave the cover on when grilling!""

that is so GROSS.

My daughter has bites on her neck and legs. So far this year I have been lucky. I can not stand being itchy. I will take pain over itch any day of the week. And those bugs are just nasty.
I absolutely hate mosquitos, and since I'm allergic to DEET it REALLY sucks for me, plus I have a worse reaction than most people do. UGHHH. The good thing? It seems like the mosquitos aren't so bad up by our farm, better than they are here in the GTA.
Some one posted on here about the old brown kind of Listerine to keep the skeeters away We tried it and it works pretty good plus you have that just brushed smell !!!!!! A nurse told me to use deodorant for itchy bug bites. She said what ever kind you use will work just rub it over the bites I have to say she was right
if you are allergic to DEET there are a couple of others that work. not as good but better than nothing. OFF makes one using piperazine or pepperasin or something like that and there is also one called Bullfrog. I thing the Bullfrog works better and i think it also has sunblock in it too.

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