Most cost effective place to have chicks DNA sexed?


Sep 12, 2022
SF Bay Area, California
I saw in previous threads recommendations for accu-metrics, but it costs $15 per bird. I have about 25 chicks I'd like to DNA sex, if I can possibly do it without too much cost. $375 is a little more than I wanted to spend. Are there any other companies I could look into? Typically I just wait, but I'm pregnant and impatient and want to finalize my flock choices of who I will keep/give away as soon as possible. Thank you!
I have no idea about that. If you had an auto-sexing breed you wouldn't have to worry about the DNA sexing stuff.
People also do DNA testing to find out more specific genes a bird may be carrying, such as for egg color, or slow or fast feathering etc, other more detailed characteristics - beyond sexing - that save you an incredible amount of time and resources on test breeding, vs. if you just test the birds' DNA.

I realize OP specifically said "DNA sex," but they may have other reasons they have chosen to work with a particular breed, other than the fact that it's auto sexing.
I still don't know if my flock is going to shift much again this season, but if I do end up keeping this cockerel, I would love to at least confirm whether he's carrying a blue egg gene. I feel like that would be good information...
the best way to handle it is to always talk to local people about chickens and build your pool of options up of those that want chicks .. some people raise them for meat and will almost always take extras, and theres usually always somebody that wants 6 or so chicks to replenish .. so i keep the bator going pretty steady, 18 or so at a time to wind up with a dozen, and hand pick 3-4 occasionally to keep for my flock .. roosters i either give to those that raise for meat, or you cant be bashful about culling if called for .. when theyre first detected and small its pretty easy usually to let nature handle it for you and just turn them out, something will get them .. but sexing unless your running a business just isnt time or cost efficient .. running a modest size batch through the bator every couple of months will keep everything going ..

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