Most effective NATURAL ANTIVIRAL treatments to try?


13 Years
Jan 17, 2007
New Jersey
For bird with chronic respiratory issue (intermittent 'wheezing' [for lack of better description - makes funny sound] and open mouth breathing, not experienced by any of the other birds - they are super healthy). Unresponsive to antibiotics (Tylan etc), so likely viral or allergy or who knows what.

Long term chronic condition, tougher on her in recent months. Hen otherwise looks wonderful, eats fine, feathers gorgeous and shiny healthy..... Sleeps fine with no open mouth breathing then. Usually only after exertion. Not a spring chicken. 8 years of age.

Best natural antivirals foods or supplements?
Immune boosting also.

Thanks for any insights! This is for a friend who is a superb chicken guardian.
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Hey JJ. At 8 years old, it could be that the chicken is just getting old. Viruses are pretty hard to eliminate , it ends up being supportive care while they get over it. I doubt there's a natural antiviral unless you're talking about some good vits and minerals to build up the immune system.
Hi - thanks for writing.

Yeah, it's much more difficult to shake stuff when older..(I can attest!). This hen in earlier years would have a brief bout once a year of whatever this is and then it was gone and she was happy and fine. This time she's not shaking it, so far.
Weeks back when the problem starting brewing again she was then separated and brought in the house and nurtured on every front - great food, comfy cozy warmth (it was still raw and cold outside at that point), vitamins, vet-prescribed antibiotics. But she was for lack of a better word depressed without her hen buddies and didn't eat well. The antibiotics were causing digestive problems despite probiotics. So finally after a couple/few weeks and weather turning to spring she was reunited with her buddies, whereupon she has been happier, eats well etc. But of course it's disconcerting when she has spells of the open mouth breathing and the 'honking'/wheezing. She also rests more, especially at those times. As mentioned, thankfully none of her hen buddies seem the least bit affected, and they never were in prior years either. Everybody is about 8 years of age.
I learned that lysine is a powerful antiviral for cats . When one of my kitties gets a spell of upper respiratory issue, I give her lysine and it is amazing in its ability to turn her around in 24 hours.Someday hopefully we will know more about potent antiviral remedies for our chicken friends, beyond good nutrition.... If she has a recurring allergy or asthma-like condition, not sure either the best help for that, beyond supportive care....
Hey JJ. At 8 years old, it could be that the chicken is just getting old. Viruses are pretty hard to eliminate , it ends up being supportive care while they get over it. I doubt there's a natural antiviral unless you're talking about some good vits and minerals to build up the immune system.

X2. The only way to help naturally would be to help build the immune system to the point of hopefully overcoming the symptoms. If it is a virus, this will be difficult. You might try a supplement specifically formulated for building the immune system and red blood cells. Here's an example, and Avio-med is a well respected company among pigeon fanciers:
Thank you Michael. Appreciate your taking the time to write. She's on supplements for immune building but will definitely check out the link you provided, as perhaps it is even better. Thanks again
Hi Judy. It's easy to look up natural antiviral treatments online. The problem with natural antiviral treatments with chickens, especially an 8 year old hen, is that we dont know how much of a natural product to give much is too much or too little to be effective. Then there's the question of side effects, how will they interact with other natural products, the question if there will be improvement, internal organ damage, or death.
I agree with Seminolewind and Michael Apple; supportive care and vitamin/mineral supplements are best at this juncture.
Hi dawg :) Big user of natural remedies for humans, and kitties. Just have seen very little info on line as to what helps and in what doses for our feathered friends. I guess there's not much known yet...was just hoping..... JJ
I've been reading on natural antivirals, etc. I've read some interesting info on colloidal silver. You can search it on here and find threads. There are also videos on YouTube. You do need to have an idea of how much, because too much can be toxic. I've seen some miracles from using it though, so it's worth the time to investigate it and see if it's something your comfortable trying. Best of luck to you!

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