Most Users Online Not Updating - FIXED!!

Looks like it's working just fine tonight - 1214 so far!!
I could hear your "chicken poos" all the way out here in Colorado this afternoon . . . so we're heading into tonight still on backup? That's OK . . . we feel safe with you at the helm. Although you may need to find a nest box to hide in if anything happens during the Trivia challenge!!
Nope, we're off the backup, we simply moved some of the backup files onto the "production" site. Kinda like when you mess up something on your computer and have to reload a backed up version.

Things may get a tiny bit slow during the contest tonight, even with the server upgrade we did back in January. We just get a ton of peeps all hitting the refresh button every 2 milliseconds.

We'd like to avoid another upgrade if possible, but we'll do whatever we gotta do to keep things up and running smoothly!
I'll try to avoid pounding the Reload button tonight. I don't want to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

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