Moth Infestation

Jul 13, 2018
Southern California
Hi everyone, I have a problem. I have noticed a lot of moths have been in my room for a while. I didn't give it much thought until I noticed they were going into my cockatiels food bag. I did some research and was disgusted to find that they were indianmeal moths. Moths that go into your bird's seeds and lay their eggs into their seeds. I know that your supposed to freeze the bag. I also heard its fine for them to eat it because it provides them protein. If anyone has any tips on how to prevent this, kill these moths, and protecting the bird seed, that would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.
Thank You for the tip! I did hear that the moths are already in the bag. It's gross. Tommorow Im going to do a deep clean of the room with vinegar and a vaccum. Then, I'm goign to get a device that plays ultrasound that repels moths. It's the most I can do.
Those ultrasonic things don't work. Get some sticky traps if they are grain moths. The traps are simply cardboard with a little bait thing you put in the middle that have lady moth pheromones that attract other moths. Then they are stuck on the sticky interior. Very effective and not expensive.
Diatomaceous earth is unlikely to work. Just freeze the bag, then seal the feed up in an airtight container from now on. Plenty of places sell pet food containers, and any large enough tupperware or other food storage bin will work fine.
They aren't that big a deal, though. People care about the moths mostly because they don't want to eat moths in their food, but your birds won't mind.
duct tape is another easy cheap trap that might work, I know we put it behind couches under tables, on the floor along the headboard of the bed, great for spiders even pesky hobos.
if you need it to hand just curl a piece so sticky side can adhere to hold it up
Duct tape works as a trap, but be sure to put it where wandering lizards and mice aren't likely to come across it. It's not at all a humane thing to do to vertebrates.

I've used the scent traps, and they work well. They catch so many moths! But, again, put them where vertebrates can't reach.
I know they're gross!
Those moths lay eggs everywhere and their little catterpillars make cocoons on everything!
Thank You for the tip! I did hear that the moths are already in the bag. It's gross. Tommorow Im going to do a deep clean of the room with vinegar and a vaccum. Then, I'm goign to get a device that plays ultrasound that repels moths. It's the most I can do.
I actually bought one of the ultrasonic machines. I haven’t seen a single maggot again. Also I see less moths every day. I will also use a few moth traps so I can make sure they are gone. Thanks for the help!

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