Mottled chick down differences? PICs

The mottled Orp chicks on Feathersite look the same as mine.
Looking at your second lot I see they do look a bit blacker than mine; the black seems to go further down their sides.
I'd really like to know what causes the difference & the genetic significance, if any.
Yeah, me too. Maybe Henk or Tadkerson will stumble across this and be able to offer some more advice.
Serious breeders usually want to understand the genetics of their birds. If you know what you have, you know what you can create (or not), and can better the quality of their birds without having to guess.

If you aren't interested in a thread, please ignore it entirely, but don't tell people that their questions are unimportant.
I was not concerned. I thought it was very interesting that two different colored chicks could come out looking exactly the same when grown. I do hope someone can come on and say why this is possible.
I know..where are the experts when we need them.
I've seen the subject discussed. I'm not sure the answer is known. From my point of view I've never had the variation so have not had anything to investigate. Perhaps you could investigate.

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