Mottled/Spangled Orpingtons


Young English Spangle/Mottle Hen Exceptionally fluffy and friendly....
We need to see more photos of these beautiful Spangle/Mottle Orpingtons..........lets keep the photos coming......

Hi Nate, I have mottled Orps in Lavender. We hatched ourself ragged in establishing our current flock of Lavender Mottled Orpingtons. I just took some pictures yesterday that show how great mottling can look on Lavender. I've heard of a few people having a mottled pop-up in their Lavenders, but have not heard of anyone that has developed them into a breeding flock (in the US). We plan to start hatching from our 10 pullets and 3 roos in the coming weeks.
They are BEAUTIFUL!! Do you sell hatching eggs?

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