Moving a broody duck


6 Years
Aug 20, 2013
El Dorado County, Ca
Hi everyone! :) I wanted to know if it was possible to move a broody duck off of her nest and on to a new one in a separate and private enclosure. Will she accept the new nest, or will she possibly refuse to sit on it? This isn't really urgent, as no ducks we have are even laying yet, but I was just wondering. I did kinda come up with a plan and wanted to see what you guys thought of it. I was going to make a portable nest and only allow her to sit on that in the current pen. Then, when I wanted to move her, I would close up the nest at night and move her and the nest to the new enclosure. I hope that, being it is the same nest, she will still be okay with sitting on it? Any advice or help is greatly appreciated!
Hi everyone!
I wanted to know if it was possible to move a broody duck off of her nest and on to a new one in a separate and private enclosure. Will she accept the new nest, or will she possibly refuse to sit on it? This isn't really urgent, as no ducks we have are even laying yet, but I was just wondering. I did kinda come up with a plan and wanted to see what you guys thought of it. I was going to make a portable nest and only allow her to sit on that in the current pen. Then, when I wanted to move her, I would close up the nest at night and move her and the nest to the new enclosure. I hope that, being it is the same nest, she will still be okay with sitting on it? Any advice or help is greatly appreciated!

Hi everyone!
I wanted to know if it was possible to move a broody duck off of her nest and on to a new one in a separate and private enclosure. Will she accept the new nest, or will she possibly refuse to sit on it? This isn't really urgent, as no ducks we have are even laying yet, but I was just wondering. I did kinda come up with a plan and wanted to see what you guys thought of it. I was going to make a portable nest and only allow her to sit on that in the current pen. Then, when I wanted to move her, I would close up the nest at night and move her and the nest to the new enclosure. I hope that, being it is the same nest, she will still be okay with sitting on it? Any advice or help is greatly appreciated!
I think that will work just keep her confined for the next day so she gets acclimated. I'd like to know how your going to allow her to only sit in the portable nest though, They pretty much have a mind of their own when it comes to brooding. But anyway here is how I moved mine I've never had a broody give up a nest from being moved but others have so it's just something we never know till we try. But moving at night and keeping the same nest is a really good idea.
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I did this with my muscovies. They were both sharing a nest in a sit I didn't want it. I relocated the nest, split the eggs into 2 blokes and penned them up, they each took one.
Thankyou! As far as only letting her sit in that one box, our ducks never sleep in the coop we have provided for them ( it stays warm where we live) so I was going to just close that off and have only the portable nest out. The broody pen we have is a pretty big one, so the nest will be more like a mini coop than a nest. That wouldn't be mean to do, would it? I mean closing off the entrance to the coop so she can't go in it? She and the other ducks will still have access to food and water, as it is outside.

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