Moving a momma hen and her babies back outside?


8 Years
Apr 24, 2013
Southeastern CT
I am hoping someone here can help me out! I had a momma Bantam Cochin hatch out 6 eggs, two on Friday, two on Saturday and the trouble started on Sunday...I had them in a coop all their own but our temperatures dropped drastically and we got snow (I'm located in the northeast where we have been having freak weather for the month of April) it was a small coop with only a small vent and I didn't go out and check them first thing Sunday morning first because I was sick overnight and secondly I thought I shouldn't disturb them with the cold temps, whenever I would go out and look they would be under momma and I always felt like I disrupted them. I did go out later in the morning and I discovered two more had hatched but that 4 of them had died. I can only assume from the cold? The two that survived were the first two that had hatched so probably the strongest? I quickly moved the momma hen and her two remaining chicks inside my garage into a brooder. What I want to know is when should I return her to that coop? It's only supposed to warm into the 50's by the weekend? Should I just leave her and the babies inside a brooder for a week or so (seems cruel to momma hen) or should I return her and try to set up a heat lamp in the outside coop? Please any suggestions I would appreciate. I have 7 more eggs hatching in about 10 days so I need to make a move somehow in that time frame.

Here is the coop.

Inside the coop (only shows about half of the space plus there are two nesting boxes.

Momma with her two babies left inside my brooder in the garage.
Once they are dried off they should be able to stay warm by going under mom. I usually keep my mom and chicks confined for a week or two in a smaller area. Some moms try to move off to soon and chicks can have troubles keeping up. Is she the only chicken in the coop? You don't need to provide extra heat, that would be too much on the mom.
she is inside in a brooder but yes when I put her back outside she would be in hat coop by herself I can keep the outside pop door closed and today is in the 50's but another dip in temps is expected this weekend? If It was going to be 40s at night 50s during the day I think I would move them out? Just worried after what happened but now I worry I am spoiling them and they are getting too used to the warmth of the garage?
Put them where you feel more comfortable, your garage isn't heated is it? Chicks are clumsy for a week or two, I think it will warm up in the next couple of weeks, I hope, I think they are fine in either place.
My garage is slightly that bad? Today is warm so the garage is warmer than normal, I hope to move them out as soon as I hear the severe temperature dips are over?
The weather here is crazy...calling for maybe snow on Sat
They should be fine with mom even if the temp does dip. They have dried off and as long as she lets them snuggle under they should be fine. I have two babies with momma in the coop sectioned off. In the broody or the coop they should be just fine. The chicks should regulate themselves as far if they need to be close to mom or out and wondering. I have been watching my two and they do venture out for a bit but while go under momma after about 5 minutes.
I wish spring would show up and stay for longer then a day.....
Thank you for your advice! They do venture out from momma and actually the coop is a bit smaller than the brooder they are currently in so they can have less to travel to get close to momma I may remove the roosting pole though so momma can't roost?

Should I leave the pop door closed so momma can't take them out? I was going to leave it closed until they were two weeks old anyway?

Our 10 day forecast says chance of snow here as well on Saturday with temps dipping into the 20's Saturday night...ugh no real warm up expected low 50's if were lucky!
My mommas never try roosting until the chicks are able to. We are all having the same weather, for us it's normal. Most years it doesn't warm up enough for the grass to grow until around April 15. I wouldn't let her out until it gets a bit warmer, the chicks would be fine, but occasionally one gets somewhere it shouldn't or mom gets too eager to move off, if it's a bit warmer and chicks a bit older, they should be okay until you find them. Sometimes a pop hole can be a huge obstacle for the very young to overcome.
I would. Momma tend to give them a week or two before venturing out.The roost poles shouldnt be a problem to leave them in. Momma will stay with chicks until she can shiw them how to roost.
As soon as i replied i went to check on momma another hatched but was not under momma half dead from getting cold
Currently have head lamp on and sitting in some warm rice. Finally got some chirps and movement. Please pull thru
I would. Momma tend to give them a week or two before venturing out.The roost poles shouldnt be a problem to leave them in. Momma will stay with chicks until she can shiw them how to roost.
As soon as i replied i went to check on momma another hatched but was not under momma half dead from getting cold
Currently have head lamp on and sitting in some warm rice. Finally got some chirps and movement. Please pull thru
These new mommas need to keep their babies under them!! Hopefully you caught in time? It was too late for mine so hopefully you were lucky!

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