Moving Chicks Out?


11 Years
Oct 6, 2008
I'm sure I have seen this topic in here before but it has been about a year ago so I wanted to be certain and could not find the exact temperatures they need.

I thought I read that the chicks needed all their feathers in OR the temps had to be above 40 overnight OR was that BOTH; chicks fully feathered/temps above 40?

My chicks are 5 weeks, fully feathered with some slight single tufts of down sticking out around their heads. The temps around here on the 10-day forecast on are all reading just above 40 degrees overnight.

The barn they will move into is old with some cracks in the board planks but I look at it as fine natural ventilation more than 'drafty'. ;)There is no electricity out there so bringing their light out there is not an option.

Any opinions?

Thanks in advance!
I personally wouldn't put my birds out w/o heat until 6 weeks. I know some birds can be fully feathered at 4-5 weeks but since I have not had chickens before I would err on the side of caution and keep them warm for one more week. Hope that helps and good luck!

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