Moving house...transporting chickens


Jun 7, 2015
So Cal high desert near Mojave
Has anyone moved house and taken their chickens with them?
My daughter and her husband live in So Cal, as I do, and will be moving to Michigan sometime next year. She has asked me if I would like to move up there when they settle in.
I told her I would think about it and then wondered how I would transport 30 chickens 2,750 miles!
Has anyone done this? I suppose I could sell them off, but then would have to start all over again...I have about 20 different breeds.

I have never moved chickens and honestly hope I never will need to. But think that will be quite an undertaking.

If you search "transporting chickens" and "moving chickens" there are quite a number of past discussions you should explore.
I haven't had to move my flock either but if I had, I think I would try to thin down the head count and take just my "favorite" girls (I know, shouldn't have favorites). It would probably be easier to move 10 or 15 than 30. Maybe some of your neighbors or a 4-H group would like some of the birds you don't take. Then too, the winters in MI must be quite a bit different than the South CA ones...are all your birds up to handling cold temps and snow?

@sunflour gave you a good tip about checking out prior posts about transporting birds. I hope you find something helpful.

Good luck!

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