

Mar 1, 2021
Downeast Maine
We have bought a larger property (hooray!) and will be moving this week. I've read many moving threads but would still like to hear any tips, tricks, advice, or reassurance. For context, I have 17 chickens and 9 ducks and we're moving about 30 minutes away.

Our 10x14 chicken coop will be moved Friday morning. My plan is to keep the birds contained here in their poultry net fence while we move the coop. They will have our secondary coop to shelter in and to lay in, and many places to hide etc. Once the coop is moved I'll set up fence around it as well.

We'll move the birds Friday, probably in the afternoon. I have a large dog crate and two canvas/mesh pet playpens. I figure I can fit most or all of the ducks in those. But then what to do with the chickens? I think maybe I move in two batches - first ducks then chickens, or vice versa. My plan is to put them into their coop and leave them closed in there until Saturday, when I'll let them out to explore.

I won't be able to electrify the fence at first, at the new place. Am I overly optimistic thinking I probably have a day or two before predators discover the new residents and I have to get things super secure? They'll be locked up tight inside at night, so it's only daytime predation I'm concerned about.
Unless your property is on a regularly traveled path for predators, they likely won't discover them that quickly. I think the risk is relatively low.
You may need to make more than one trip with the chickens.
Will the coop orient to the sun in the same way as it does on your current property? That will help the birds to re-orient to their coop on the new property.
Do you have Corid on hand? Moving birds to new soil introduces them to new strains of coccidia and you will need to be prepared to treat the flock at the first sign of illness should it occur.
The problem with predators is that you never know when they will show up. You might be OK for weeks or even months or one might show up immediately. Predators don't have to be wild animals, a neighbor's dog could qualify. Most of my problems have been dogs.

If you can I'd keep them locked in that coop longer, hopefully a few days. Part of that is predators but a big part of that is to teach them where to lay eggs and especially where to sleep at night. That is a nice sized coop, you may be able to keep them in there for a while. Maybe that will give you time to get the electric netting set up.

Or will you be able to set the netting up to keep the chickens contained and just not be able to electrify it? If you can keep them contained I'd be a lot more willing to try it.
I have moved my flock not once, not twice, but three times. I find it so much easier to do it at night, but since you are taking their coop with you (good for you!), that won't be possible, really.

I strongly suggest getting that fence electrified ASAP. I had predators day 1 at my current house. My set up was finalized before I moved the flock, though, so my birds were safe. Can you maybe do a battery hook up for your fence until you get your preferred electricity source operational?
Thanks for the input everyone!

The coop will be oriented the same direction (south-facing doors) at the new place. I will be able to set up the netting before they're there on Friday, I just don't know if I'll be able to get the energizer set up and wire run out to the fence until Sunday. Saturday is the big furniture moving day.
I would rather not keep them in the coop 24/7 because the ducks are so very, very messy, but it may be best. I have no idea what the predator situation is - I'm assuming there are many since the property has several wooded acres and is not in a well populated area. I know I'll likely have some losses - just hoping not to have them Day 1.

Yes, definitely taking my coop with me despite the logistical headache! It's a 10x14 shed that I custom designed as a coop, and I absolutely love it - as do the birds. If I could cram them all into my OverEZ it might make things easier, but there's no way 25-ish birds will fit in there, even for a few minutes (now I'm laughing at the clown car mental picture). Plus that coop is the exclusive domain of my lame rooster, Janet, and he is not a fan of ducks! At the new place we'll put his coop in a separate area and let him live happily with his 3-4 chosen ladies.

I've also got to move my hoop run and probably build an addition to it. The new place is shoreland with many, many wild geese, and I need to be ready to keep everyone inside if avian flu surges again. :/

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